Secret buff makes MP5 the top weapon in Warzone

‎Secret Buff Makes MP5 top weapon in Warzone‎

The MP5 is one of the most powerful SMGs in Call of Duty: Warzone after an unannounced buff. Use this gear to make the most effective use of the new buff.

Season 5 in the Battle Royale Warzone brought with it a hidden buff for a submachine gun. The buff, omitted from the patch notes, affects the MP5 and presumably gave it a generous damage bonus just last week. YouTuber TrueGameData confirmed the buff for two select magazine types of the SMG.

Unbeatable at close range

The weapon buff seemed questionable at first due to its omission in the patch notes, but was proven in the video below by TrueGameData. Here the CoD-YouTuber compares the stats and the TTK (Time To Kill) of different SMGs and clearly shows the current superiority of the MP5 on the graph.

(The magenta-coloured graph shows the time in which the MP5 with a 30-round magazine can finish off an opponent.)

Equipped with the 10-millimetre 30-shot magazine, the MP5 has the lowest TTK of the SMGs shown in chest hits. Up to a distance of ten metres, none of the other SMGs is faster than the MP5. Only at just under 13 metres, the AUG performs slightly better than the strengthened submachine gun. According to TrueGameData, the buff refers not only to the 10-millimetre magazine, but also to the 9-millimetre cartridges.

Behind this improvement of the MP5 is a damage buff that developer Raven Software did not address in the official patch notes of Season 5 in CoD. The strengthening was not noticed in the community at the start of the current season and therefore presumably only came into play with the latest patch on 25 August.