AC Valhalla: Next update should unlock DLC content for all playersv



A new title update for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is coming soon, but there is no official release date yet. But we have the first information about the content.

 AC Valhalla:Next event allegedly leaked: Wild Hunt / Oskoreia

AC Valhalla regularly gets new seasons, so to speak free mini-DLCs, in which Eivor has to complete new quests and challenges. Usually there’s also a bit of story and cosmetic rewards that you can only unlock in this period.

Now the next festival event is said to have already been leaked, as claimed by the Youtuber andyreloads, for example. Dataminers have found an event with the theme “Wild Hunt” (called “Oskoreia” in Scandinavia) – a light immediately goes on for Witcher fans. In fact, the whole thing is based on ancient Norse sagas, so it would fit perfectly with the setting of AC Valhalla: Odin rides across the sky on his eight-legged horse Sleipnir and demands offerings from the people.

This is what it’s supposed to be: The Wild Hunt is supposed to be a Halloween-like event where you can earn a scythe and a bone skin for your raven, among other things. In the quests, you will supposedly even enter the realm of the dead. According to the leak, the festival will start on 12 October 2021.

How much will the DLCs for AC Valhalla cost?

The expansions are already included in the Season Pass for 40 Euros. You can also buy them separately, in which case they will cost you 25 euros each. The Discovery Tour is available for free if you own the main game or separately for around 20 euros – at least on the PC. The standalone version for Playstation and Xbox will follow at the beginning of 2022.

The season events and festivals are free of charge for you, and new content for all players will also be delivered via patch from time to time.

Are there more DLCs coming for AC Valhalla?

At E3 2021, Ubisoft confirmed that new content for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will also be released in 2022 – meaning there will also be a second Season Pass. Odin is also supposed to play a role again, which at least speaks for a possible mythological expansion. Current rumours speak of us exploring several Nordic realms and thus reliving Odin’s journeys.

So far, however, only the two expansions Wrath of the Druids and Siege of Paris have been confirmed with details.

The Discovery Mode, which will allow you to experience the locations of AC Valhalla in a kind of interactive tour, is scheduled for release at the end of 2021. Such projects already existed for Origins and Odyssey.

A new title update for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is actually already overdue. At least, if Ubisoft keeps up the usual rhythm – the big patch 1.3.0 came out at the end of July and normally a new title update comes every five weeks. In other words, it should be the first week of September.

So far there has been no official announcement and no pre-released patch notes. We expect them to arrive shortly and until then we will tell you what we already know about the new content. For example, you should get some DLC content for free even if you don’t own a Season Pass.

What’s in the new update?

When will the Title Update be released? Presumably between 1 and 4 September 2021, although it may be that the update is delayed, which would explain why there has been no announcement yet. In the database, the big patch is supposed to be deposited for PS4 and PS5 already:

What’s in it? Although no patch notes are known yet, there is first official info. They come from the Youtube channel of JorRaptor, who conducted an interview with Post Launch Producer Jose Araiza. The streamer had already correctly announced that one-handed swords would appear, so the source is reliable.

This info is confirmed:

  • There will be new maps for river raids.
  • In it you will go to Ireland and Frankonia, where you will meet the typical enemies (i.e. druids and Frankish knights). This means that players without a Season Pass will also get some content from the paid DLCs.

DLCs for AC Valhalla: Everything we know about release, content and price

  • There will be new gameplay elements that Araiza doesn’t detail.
  • The river raids are meant to be challenging, yet remain accessible to all players. Ubisoft wants to take player feedback on this to heart.
  • Level scaling will not be available for the river raids for the time being.

What else could be in it? Surely the new river raids will also bring new rewards, after all exciting loot is why you go on the risky raids. It stands to reason that the rewards will be themed to Ireland or the Frankish Empire. Dataminers claim to have already discovered some new armour and weapons from the new update. But take this unofficial information with a grain of salt!

  • New armour set: Lugh’s breastplate
  • New Weapons: Lugh’s Champion Spear, Frankonia Champion Sword, Rollo’s Lost Axe, Celtic Breaker, Sir Gareth’s Sacred Sword

For classification: Lugh is, according to the official lore, an Isu active in Ireland and mentioned in the DLC Wrath of the Druids. So that would fit exactly with the announced Ireland map. And another exciting detail – if a new sword does indeed appear, players without a Season Pass could wield two one-handed swords at the same time for the first time.

What’s not in the update: Discovery Tour won’t be released until autumn 2021. Araiza also cancelled the much-desired New Game + until further notice. The feature is supposed to be one of the last to appear for AC Valhalla – probably only after all new content has been released. And according to rumours, there will be a complete second Season Pass with DLCs.