Diablo 2 Resurrected: Reskilling – How Respec Works

Diablo 2 Resurrected Reskilling

We explain how you can use Respec to reset and redistribute your skills and abilities in Diablo 2: Resurrected.

In Diablo 2: Resurrected reskilling is useful for several reasons. Have you skilled down, is your build not fun, or are you way ahead of the game? All of these can be legitimate situations for a respec. The action role-playing game offers two options for a skill reset.

We explain here in a nutshell how you can reset your skills and abilities in Diablo 2: Resurrected.

Option 1: Reset stats and skills on Akara

The first option to reset your skills and abilities in Diablo 2: Resurrected is one you pick up almost in passing. Your first quest sends you to the lair of evil. Once you have completed the quest, find yourself at Akara’s camp of slayers.

Akara will now give you the opportunity to reset your skills as a reward. If you complete the quest again on the difficulty levels Nightmare and Hell, you will again receive a free skill reset. This way you can get three respecs in Diablo 2: Resurrected relatively easily.

You should take these chances well. Because beyond that, there is only one other way to reset your skills and abilities. And it can be a rocky one.

Killed off? Or simply already arrived at the endgame? The desire for respec can have many causes
Killed off? Or simply already arrived at the endgame? The desire for respec can have many causes

Option 2: Reset skills with the sign of absolution

The Mark of Absolution: You make it with the Horadrim Cube by combining the four essences. You can also use the Sign of Absolution to perform a respec. However, the essences are difficult to obtain.

The locations of the essences

The four essences in Diablo 2:Resurrected are a rare drop on the act bosses. So you have to defeat the bosses on the given difficulty level to get a chance at the respective essence. These are the essences and their attached bosses and difficulty levels:

  • Burning Essence of Terror: Diablo
  • Burning Essence of Hate: Mephisto (Difficulty: Hell)
  • Corrupted Essence of Sorrow: Andariel and Duriel (Difficulty: Hell)
  • Festering Essence of Destruction: Baal (Difficulty: Hell)
  • Apropos: Here you can find all the recipes of the Horadrim Cube with all the items you can make with it.

Why Respec at all?

As mentioned at the beginning, reskilling can become necessary if you have made mistakes when skilling. However, the necessity for a respec also arises from the game.

For example, in the early game you have to spend a lot of points on strength to be able to wear equipment – even if your build can otherwise do without strength. Later in the game, your gear will sometimes give you powerful bonuses to strength, which makes you want to invest the excess points in other attributes.

If you want to play Diablo 2: Resurrected seriously, you can hardly avoid performing several skill resets to adapt your build to the changing requirements of the early, mid and endgame.

We also offer a guide for newcomers and returnees to Diablo 2: Resurrected to help you get the most out of the action RPG remaster.