Confusion about design – This is what the PS5 looks like in black


The performance of PlayStation 5 was an online spectacle. But not everyone liked the design of the new console. Now a picture of the console with a black look appears.
Under the motto “Future of Gaming”, the in-house presentation of the upcoming game content and, above all, the unveiling of the first designs for the PS5 started at the beginning of June.

The white PS5 became a meme. But now a black version of the new PlayStation, due to be released at the end of the year

, appeared. The presentation of the video makes an official look. Nevertheless, it is only a fan design of the blog “LetsGoDigital”. According to Sony himself, there is no black version of PlayStation yet.

Some details about PlayStation 5 are not yet known. Fans are still waiting for a price and a specific release date for the console.