New World: Patch 1.0.3 brings the most requested feature

New World Patch 1.0.3


The MMO gets a new update, filled to the brim with bug fixes and changes. We have patch notes and all the important info on the server transfers.

With the new patch 1.0.3, Amazon is attacking the biggest problems of New World: On 20 October 2021, the server transfers will finally arrive, a nasty invulnerability glitch will be fixed and a lot of smaller bugs will be smoked out. We’ve got info and patch notes for you.

What’s in Update 1.0.3?

When will the patch be released? On 20 October 2021, the servers will be down until around 12 noon to apply the update. As soon as they come back online, the patch with all its changes will be there

The most important change: Server transfers

Since release, players have been eagerly waiting for the ability to move from one server to the next. Amazon had announced the feature early on, but then postponed it several times – but now it really is supposed to be ready. This is mainly to regulate overpopulation in some worlds, but of course you can also use the opportunity to move to where your friends are playing.

After patch 1.0.3 goes live, you should automatically find a token for the server transfer in your inventory, which you can then redeem as you wish. But beware, you will probably only be able to transfer once for free!

(You can find all information about the server transfer rules here)

Other important changes in 1.0.3

Bugs: A (Invulnerability glitch had caused chaos in PvP) – according to the developers it has already been fixed via hotfix. This should make the faction war more or less fair again. Other bugs mainly affected the world, the arena keys and high-ranking Azoth staffs.

A title for everyone: For bravely persevering during the epic waiting periods (Amazon expresses it exactly this way itself), you will all be awarded the title “Stoic”. You can equip it in the character menu under biography, then it will be displayed next to your name. And because you’ve become adept at waiting, you’ll also get the matching stand-around emote for free.

The patch notes of update 1.0.3

The patch notes and all info (about the update can also be found here on the official website of New World).


  • Last parts of the server transmission framework implemented.
  • Added improvements to the world selection user interface.
  • Added clearer message text to information when a player is disconnected from the game due to AFK or by Easy Anti-Cheat.
  • Clearer message text added to information when multiple discounts such as territory calls and faction discounts on property taxes are present.
  • Implemented back-end changes to help the team investigate client performance issues during war.
  • Respawn timers adjusted on Boatswain Ambrose and various other elite opponents in the world.
  • In the Shoals, players must now be in the arena to damage Thorpe.
  • From now on, an error message will appear when players try to buy their own items in the trading post.
  • Chest/loot change reverted from update 1.0.2 which caused too many refining reagents to be found in chests.
  • Adjusted the volume on the Amazon Games welcome screen.
  • Armor from now on is limited to 1 ability effect per part.
  • General performance improvements added for visual artifacts and graphics settings.
  • Dyes are now removed from items when trading. A warning message will appear in the game for this.
  • The timer for “Time to declare war” is now also visually paused to make it clear when an invasion is imminent but the time has not yet been set. After invasions, the territory remains in conflict status and war can still be declared.


General Troubleshooting

  • Fixed a bug with the R4 and R5 Azoth staffs: Approach high level portals now!
  • Fixed a bug that caused the event discard message to persist!
  • Fixed a bug with the dwelling user interface. The user interface now correctly displays that property taxes are subject to the full price of the home and are not affected by the first time buyer discount.
    • Fixed a bug where Rajah spawns kept stacking – only one big cat at a time, please!Fixed a bug with spawning in the early stages of the game. The watchtower respawn point is replaced by the settlement after it is discovered. Players will no longer respawn incorrectly at a watchtower after choosing to respawn at a settlement.
      • Miscellaneous translation issues in the game have been corrected.
      • Fixed a bug where not all items for city projects were consumed after the mission was completed.
      • Fixed a login error that prevented players from accessing their character.
      • Fixed a bug where Arena Keys were not appearing as loot as intended.
      • Fixed a bug where Runebear armour was not coloured correctly in War.
      • Fixed a pet placement bug. Pets placed in an otherwise empty house will now remain there even if the player logs out instead of returning to the player inventory.
      • Servers in AP Southeast now display the correct time zone in-game.
      • Fixed a bug with titles: player titles and achievements now appear as intended and the achievement tab updates correctly when a new achievement is earned.
      • Fixed a bug where company invitations would persist after decline/accept.

    Speculative bug fixes

    The bug fixes listed below are currently planned bug fixes and actions. The goal is to release these changes in full soon and see if any issues persist so that they can be worked on further and fixed in a future update if necessary

    • The team has been working on fixing the bug that caused wars and invasions to start earlier than planned.
    • The team has been working on fixing the bug where not all settlement stations are upgraded as intended when city projects are completed.
    • Bug fix: Players no longer get stuck when entering or leaving an instance. When a player reconnects and the character is dead, the respawn screen opens with available respawn options. Players who are currently stuck are asked to contact customer service to have their character freed.