Starfield: Setting and factions explained – new trailer provides exciting info

Starfield Setting and factions explained


The role-playing game presents its universe in more detail and shows pictures of factions and locations. We explain to you what is known about the Settled Systems.

The fog around Starfield is gradually lifting, revealing the new stars to which we are to travel at the end of 2022. The role-playing game is releasing new information in bits and pieces, and now there is a new trailer with exciting developer commentary. For example, we now know what role we will actually be playing.

You can find all the important information below, but feel free to watch the new video first. Unfortunately, there is no gameplay to be seen yet.

What the trailer reveals

The Setting of Starfield

We are in the future, namely in the year 2330. Our adventures take place in the Settled Systems, which are located in our galaxy, but still 50 light years away from our sun. Here, a fierce war between two powerful factions recently ended (read more about the factions in the next section).

A fragile peace prevails, but that does not make the systems harmless. Space pirates from the Crimson Fleet, dangerous outlaws and religious fanatics from the House of Va’Runn are still at work.

And where do you come in? Your character is new to the Constellation faction, which is trying to uncover the secrets of the galaxy by venturing deep into space and unexplored places. So you have not been directly involved in the war, but are guaranteed to feel its effects. It seems that your backstory is at least partially prescribed, as was the case with Skyrim.

(If you want to get an impression of the locations, you are in the right place here)

The factions from the trailer

United Colonies: One of the two most powerful factions in the Settled Systems, which was in bloody conflict with the Freestar Collective for 20 years. At the time of the Starfield storyline, the militarily strongest and politically most influential faction. Their capital is New Atlantis and apparently there are conflicts with the Crimson Pirates in border areas.

Freestar Collective: The second major faction, based in Akila Town. The high walls protect the inhabitants from the bloodthirsty alien creatures that roam the planet. It seems that the Freestar Collective was once part of the United Colonies, and then later took over as a splinter group ruling several star systems.

Constellation: This group of adventurers, scouts and explorers is your own. At least at the beginning, you may be able to join one or more other groups. You are equipped with a ship and a spacesuit that keeps you alive in different environments. And although you are fairly new to it, you make an important discovery which then becomes the trigger for the main story.

These are not all the factions you will encounter in Starfield. You’re sure to cross paths with the Crimson Pirates at some point – and some smaller groups like the Fanatics mentioned in the trailer will also make an appearance.

Starfield is scheduled for release on 11 November 2022 for PC and Xbox.