Montanablack complains again about COD problems and denounces Activision


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone are very popular games. Many players stream their gameplay live on various platforms. MontanaBlack is one of them – and he’s fed up. “Streamsniping” seems to become a habit.

Call of Duty and live streaming are part of everyday life for many players. You can’t blame them for that either, because the current Call of Duty title is simply fun. No matter whether in multiplayer or Warzone – here everyone gets his money’s worth.

MontanaBlack mad at Activision
But the good mood can change very quickly. Marcel MontanaBlack describes in a tweet why this game annoys him so much. It’s not because of the different modes, maps or the gameplay, but simply because of the Streamsnipers.

Streamsnipers are players who watch a livestream of a streamer and then hunt for this in-game – very unfair action.

In the video the most successful streamer of Germany announces on which part of the map he wants to land in CoD and lo and behold – already at the beginning of the flight phase you can see a lot of red lines falling from the sky. MontanaBlack reacts with a stunned “Oooooookay”.

When he approaches the leaked place, about two dozen players are already visible on the stadium roof, apparently just waiting for him. Then the streamer’s collar bursts and he denounces – again – Activision. The displeasure is absolutely understandable

Past disputes with Activision
This is not the first time streamers have complained about Activision. MontanaBlack has already complained about this situation several times. The demand: a streamer mode for Call of Duty from the developers.

The opinions of the developers of Activision and MontanaBlack are not always on the same wavelength. In addition to the streamer mode, the content creator has in the past demanded further adjustments for the game: The matchmaking has to be improved, because it is not possible that a blocked player can join the same lobby as him.

Another change that not only MontanaBlack found incomprehensible was the removal of the mini map from the HUD.

Supposedly the developers wanted to listen more to the community. However, from the point of view of the Twitch streamer, the project seems to have failed. Will Monte and Activision be able to come closer at some point? We will keep you informed.