WoW Patch 9.2: What we can expect in the (presumably) final chapter of Shadowlands

Shadowland Eternitys End

Finally we have the first details about World of Warcraft Shadowlands Patch 9.2. We summarize all the info and our assessment.

After long months of silence and interim patches, a breath of fresh air is finally to come to the Shadowlands. Developer Blizzard presented a developer livestream on 11 November, at 7 pm, in which there was finally new info on the second major content patch for WoW Shadowlands.

Those who missed the premiere can check out the developer preview of the new update Eternity’s End here:

What we know about Patch 9.2 now

Although the video mostly talked about design decisions and more background info, we did at least get some glimpses of what we can expect in Patch 9.2:

New Territory: Zerth Mortis

The speculation expressed in advance has come true. Our next stop in the Shadowlands is Zerth Mortis. The more observant among you may have heard the name during a conversation between Tal-Galan and Ve’nari in Korthia after completing the main story of Patch 9.1. According to this conversation, Zeth Mortis is the realm of the First Ones, the gods who created the Shadowlands. There we also find a new faction of brokers, the so-called Enlightended.

It is obvious that the journey now goes to precisely this realm, as the dungeon master has also taken this path. In the course of Patch 9.1, he snatched the five seals of the Eternals to reach the Tomb of the First, which also lies in the new area and is the new raid of the patch. But more on that later.

New System: The Ciphers of the First

In Zereth Mortis, things run a little differently. The machines there don’t speak a mortal language, so we have to work at understanding them first. This is where the new progression system comes in, which will accompany us through the patch. The more ciphers we collect and the more we understand of the language of the automata, the more areas, quests, events and, of course, rewards we discover.

New Raid: Tomb of the First

The Tomb is the new destination of the Dungeon Master, who awaits a special secret of the First Ones inside. Here we will probably also finally face him in battle. It stands to reason that he will be the final boss of the new raid. But we don’t know that yet.

What we do know is that we will celebrate a reunion with Anduin (?). He is still trapped under the dungeon master’s rule and, just like Sylvanas, will want to give us a good beating. Speaking of the Banshee Queen: We didn’t see too much of her in the trailer, after her last appearance caused displeasure in the community

The animal sets are coming back

With all the displeasure about the current development of WoW, you should probably be especially happy about this news: The tier sets are celebrating a big comeback. After they were discontinued after Legion, we are finally allowed to collect glamorous armour pieces again as of patch 9.2. What they look like has already been revealed in the video embedded above. But we have also shown you a screenshot of them here:

Das sind die Artworks der neuen Tier-Sets.

What else awaits us?

So much for the most exciting points of the video. Of course, a few more changes have been announced, which we list here very briefly. These changes and innovations are coming with Patch 9.2:

  • Start of Season 3 for Mythic+ and PvP
  • Tazavesh will be split into 2 dungeons and added to the mythic+ rotation
  • New mounts and pets
  • New dance mini-game for the Darkmoon Faire
  • Unspecified updates for professions, soul ties and media

By the way, what was not mentioned was a release date for patch 9.2. We assume that the update will be uploaded to the live servers in early 2022. Before that, however, you can look forward to first glimpses of the patch on the official test server (PTR). According to the (Dataminers from wowhead), the first hints of the new patch have already been found in the Content Delivery Network (CDN).