The Trackmania Winter Tour has started


Fans of the arcade racing game Trackmania from (Ubisoft) can look forward to winter. Because with the winter tour there are numerous new rewards and tracks.

Trackmania in winter

As usual in the racing game Trackmania, the seasons rotate with the seasons and so do the tracks in the game. At the start of the winter campaign, 25 new, free tracks and over 100 additional medals await you. So there’s never a dull moment for the virtual racing pros.

Of course, you can try your hand at new winter tracks yourself with the integrated track editor, which clearly sets Trackmania apart from other racers in the genre. Thus, the game by the French developer studio Nadeo offers the full racing game programme for both single players and friends of large multiplayer games in dozens of game types. Fans of sophisticated strategy might also be interested in the recently updated Company of Hereos 3.