Free on the Epic Games Store this week – Blistering mech action with Daemon X Machina


Next week, something especially for fans of Power Rangers and Pacific Rim awaits, namely unbridled mech action! Daemon X Machina is a third-person action shooter, with the gimmick that you control a giant fighting robot! Originally developed for the Nintendo Switch in 2019, Daemon X Machina was ported to PC in 2020. Which explains the colourful graphics and beautiful anime style that underline the fun action-packed gameplay. Now you have from January 27 at 5pm to grab the free game at the (Epic Games Store).

This is Daemon X Machina

What Daemon X Machina already promises from the title and trailer, it delivers. Massive mech battles with numerous customisation options for your combat robot, massive gameplay in ranged and close combat as well as an exciting sci-fi story. Your task as the pilot of an Arsenal mech, together with other mercenaries, is to protect humanity from malfunctioning machines and giant robots!

Your arsenal knows no bounds. Laser weapons, Gatling guns, energy swords, rocket launchers. All possible killing tools of the metallic future are immediately at your disposal after looting your enemies or earning them through tasks. You can also give yourself certain body modifications and exchange your human appearance for new abilities. This all works solo, as well as in multiplayer co-op with an online buddy, where you’ll have to defeat massive bosses and complete exploration missions for special rewards. You can also compete against other players in 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs. 2 battles to climb the international mercenary ladder.

For all those who are looking for an entertaining action game in a fresh setting, Daemon X Machina is just the right thing! Until 27 January 2022, you can also pick up the physics puzzle game (Relicta) for free on the Epic Games Store. For those quiet head-scratching moments in between the mech carnage.