New on Steam: For role-playing and medieval fans, this week will be fantastic

Steam Games.

This week’s releases look really, really good, especially for RPG and medieval fans.

The first big releases of the still fresh year 2022 are gradually trickling in. Last week Dying Light 2 was released with sensational player numbers, this week the second giant is waiting in the wings. But there are also some very exciting new releases beyond the big spotlight – especially for role-playing game and medieval fans. Curious? Good, then let’s jump straight into the matter.

Highlight of the week: Lost Ark

(Genre: MMO Role Playing Game – Developer: Smilegate RPG – Release: Feb 11, 2022 – Platforms: PC)

Finally, Lost Ark will also be released in full here in Germany. The MMO role-playing game, which looks like a very pretty Diablo copy, is one of the most awaited favourites of the GlobalESportNews community. But will Lost Ark really be good? There are still many, many question marks hanging over the game, the expectations are immense and Amazon Studios has not exactly covered itself with glory in recent years.

After all, we all remember the many problems that plagued New World when it was released in 2021. But let’s remain optimistic until the GlobalESportNews test: The fact that so many people are interested in Lost Ark only shows how much potential the role-playing game has. On 11 February, which is Friday,

More exciting releases

Lost Ark is just one promising candidate among several. Crusader Kings 3, for example, is finally getting its long-awaited DLC Royal Court. Let’s go through it in the days to come.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood: Interesting mix of stealth action and martial werewolf combat in the world of Vampire: The Masquerade.Comes from the team behind Styx: Shards of Darkness.

(Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood On Steam)

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Crusader Kings 3: Royal Court: The major expansion of Crusader Kings 3 gives the strategy role-playing game an imposing throne room mechanic and various other revisions.

Crusader Kings 3: Royal Court makes the Middle Ages more tangible than ever

(Crusader Kings 3 On Steam)

Model Builder: Interested in model building but afraid of accidentally breaking or painting the little mini-planes wrong? Model Builder offers Ctrl+Z.

(Model Builder On Steam)

Power to the People: Do you like the power supply part of city building simulations? Power to the People makes a game of its own out of that.

(Power to the People On Steam)

OlliOlli World: The longtime skateboarding secret goes into the next round.

(OlliOlli World On Steam)

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Diplomacy is Not an Option: Hah, we miss good old Stronghold. And Diplomacy is Not an Option could go down a very similar notch. Don’t you think so? Then take a look here:

Diplomacy is Not an Option conjures up fondest Stronghold memories in 16 seconds

(Diplomacy is Not an Option On Steam)

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Isles of Yore: As a little dinosaur, you fight for your life in this really beautiful survival game.

(Isles of Yore On Steam)

Blood West: A retro wild west shooter with a focus on stealth. Looks interesting

(Blood West On Steam)

Friday, February 11, 2022

Lost Ark: The MMO role-playing game could be one of the biggest releases of the year.

(Lost Ark On Steam)

Nebulous: Fleet Command: Command a space fleet in this science fiction simulation. Starts in Early Access

(Nebulous: Fleet Command On Steam)

Did we forget a new release? Then feel free to write about our omission in the comments!