Funny fan theory – Is Mount Caldera in Warzone about to erupt?


Since its release on 8 December, Warzone players have been battling it out on the new Warzone map Caldera without knowing what might be brewing beneath their feet. A new fan theory now suggests something big.

Caldera? No hablo español! (I don’t speak Spanish!)

If, like me, you’ve also been cheating in Spanish class, you probably don’t know what caldera means. But as you can guess, caldera comes from Spanish and means something like crater or cauldron. Now, of course, one wonders what the new Warzone map has to do with a crater. If you look at the topography, you will quickly realise that nowhere

t is easy to see that there is no conspicuous crater or cauldron anywhere that could have given the map its name.

Reddit fan theory on Caldera

A new fan theory by Reddit user Kaaaaos now suggests that this caldera will only be formed by a massive eruption in the centre of the map.

Not the first time

It would not be the first time that a warzone map has evolved. Verdansk has already undergone major changes since its release – not least to shorten the community’s waiting time for a new map.

Raven Software also confirmed upcoming changes to the map in a tweet.

Since Caldera was released, it has also divided the community. While some celebrate it, others complain about the many open spaces. Many are therefore looking hopefully at the dormant volcano in the middle of the map and perhaps the POI Peak will soon really only be a smoking crater.