Rainbow Six Siege reveals surprise operator and roadmap for 2022

Rainbow six siege 2022

Ubisoft reveals the plans for the new season of Rainbow Six: Siege. With Year 7, there’s a unique operator, a new map and much more.

As usual, Ubisoft presents the plans for Rainbow Six: Siege for the year 2022. But the roadmap does not only hide the usual new operators or balancing changes, but also some content that the community has been wishing for years.

In this article we present all the changes and show you in the trailers what you can expect from Rainbow Six: Siege in the future.

The roadmap for the seventh year of Siege

Year 7 surprises with a lot of massive content. Right out of the gate you can look forward to new modes and the Attacker Repick
Year 7 surprises with a lot of massive content. Right out of the gate you can look forward to new modes and the Attacker Repick

Year 7 Season 1

  • New Operator from Japan
  • Battle Pass
  • New Map
  • Arcade playlist with a new event
  • Private mode for streamers
  • Anti-cheat and negative player behaviour detection improvements
  • Attacker Repick: Attackers get the opportunity to change their operator in the preparation phase
  • New mode: Team Deathmatch

Year 7 Season 2

  • New Operator from Belgium
  • Battle Pass
  • New Map
  • Arcade playlist with a new event
  • Anti-cheat and negative player behaviour detection improvements
  • Improvements to the reputation system
  • Shooting Range
  • Tips for playing operators

Year 7 Season 3

  • New Operator from Singapore
  • Battle Pass
  • New Map
  • Arcade playlist with a new event
  • Anti-cheat and negative player behaviour detection improvements
  • Improvements to the reputation system
  • Ranked 2.0

Year 7 Season 4

  • New Operator from Colombia
  • Battle Pass
  • Arcade Playlist with a new event
  • Improvements to the reputation system
  • Permanent introduction of arcade playlists
The new shooting range is perfect for familiarising yourself with the large arsenal of weapons.
The new shooting range is perfect for familiarising yourself with the large arsenal of weapons.

Roadmap Highlights

* New Maps: It’s been three years since Rainbow Six: Siege got new maps. Therefore, there are three new maps for the multiplayer spread over the seasons. We don’t know much about the respective maps yet. So far we only know that the first map is a country club in Ireland. The location of the second map is Greece.

* Reputation System: A reputation system will be gradually introduced throughout the year. In Season 4, each player will get their own sub-item in the menu where they can check their reputation level and even get rewards at high levels for behaving in their games.

* The new modes: Whether Team Deathmatch from Season 1 or even a permanent Arcade Playlist: At the end of the year, you will have a large selection of different modes to let off steam away from the competitive mode. The shooting range is a special highlight, as you can finally practice the recoil patterns of the individual weapons there.

* Attacker Repick: As an attacker, having the choice to change your operator in the preparation phase can change matches from the ground up. To what extent this has an effect on the balancing can only be said at a later point in time.

New Operator for Season 1: Azami

With Azami we get for the first time an operator who does not destroy walls but can close them again. It’s already pretty safe to say that she will play a big role in upcoming games, as she is unique because of her ability. Unpopular spots on maps could become real favourites thanks to Azami. But also in heated situations, you could spontaneously close previously destroyed walls again quickly if the attackers take too much time. A big plus is that you can use the throwing objects from a distance without having to expose yourself to danger.

Is there a new feature you are most looking forward to or are you even worried that some might be too strong? Let us know what you think in the comments!