WoW Shadowlands Guide: How to deal damage as a balance druid


How to deal damage as a balance druid

In addition to great versatility and a lot of support for fellow players, the flapping owls also have a high damage potential.

As a druid, you can deal damage in World of Warcraft in several ways. The Balance Druid is one of them, alternatively you can also use the Feral Druid. Healers play a Restoration Druid, tanks choose the Guardian Druid.

Most important changes

Your most important innovation is the revision of the Battle for Azeroth empowerments into states of darkness. Two spells of Wrath now cause a lunar eclipse, and two spells of Starfire now cause an eclipse.

Lunar Eclipse reduces the casting time of Starfire by 15% and increases critical strike chance by 20%. Solar Eclipse reduces the casting time of Wrath by 15% while increasing damage by 20%. The eclipse states last 15 seconds each and occur alternately.

The new championship is called Total Eclipse. It passively increases the natural damage during a solar eclipse and increases arcane damage during a lunar eclipse by a percentage depending on the mastery. Star Suction grants the damage bonus of active eclipse effects during the effect duration.

balance druid
By casting spells of starfire you put yourself in the state of eclipse. Now your wrath spell is strengthened.

Starfall has been revised and is back in its earlier version. When used, eight seconds of stars fall on enemies within 40 meters of the battlefield. At the same time, Star Rain extends the two DoTs Moon Fire and Sun Fire by four seconds each. The offensive-cooldown Celestial Alignment maintains both eclipse effects and grants 10% speed for 20 seconds.

The Wild Bite, Tree Bark, Whirlwind, Incensed Roar, and Iron Skin abilities are now available to all specializations. The previous talent Taifun was replaced with Heart of the Wild, Taifun is now a skill again.

Read more about WoW Shadowlands:

How to play the owl

Your attribute prioritization looks like this as an balance druid:

  • Intelligence
  • Championship
  • Tempo
  • Critical hit chance
  • Versatility

At the beginning of the fight, you place your two DoTs Moonfire and Sunfire on the target and keep them going at all times. Depending on which state of darkness you have or want to reach, you now cast Wrath or Starfire.

If solar eclipse is active, you can cast Wrath. If lunar eclipse is active, you switch to Starfire. Excess Astral Power is spent with Star Suction, preferably in an eclipse state to empower the one around its damage bonus.

Level Talent Description
15 The Balance of Nature In battle, you create an Astral Power every two seconds. Outside of combat, your Astral Power levels up to 50 instead of being used up completely.
25 Wild Charge In owl form you jump backwards a bit, in normal form you fly to the position of an ally. In all shapes, bring more flexibility in movement.
30 Restoration Affinity Grant you the permanent passive healing of Ysera’s gift, or, if you already have full health, a healing for a randomly injured party member. You will also receive the Rejuvenation, Quick Heal, Wild Growth, and Ursol’s Vortex spells.
35 Heart of the Wild The damage to your balance abilities is increased by 30 percent and Star Suction becomes a spontaneous spell.
40 Starlord Star Suction and Star Rain increase your speed by 4% for 15 seconds, stackable up to three times. Adding a stack does not reset the effect duration.
45 Twin Moons Moonfire causes ten percent more damage and hits another enemy within 15 meters of the target.
50 Midsummer Within the first six seconds of each eclipse, stars fall from the passive ability Shooting Stars 300% more frequently.
wow balance druid
You place your DoTs Moonfire and Sunfire on your target when the battle begins.
Against several enemies you simply use star rain instead of star suction, which simultaneously makes your DoTs on the target run longer. As offensive reinforcement you can use Heavenly Alignment every three minutes