Cyberpunk 2077: How the character editor works


In Cyberpunk 2077 you assemble your character V yourself in the editor. We will clarify what you are allowed to customize and how it looks like in the game.

While Geralt prefers to shred his monsters as a gray-haired bearded man, V is reluctant to get stuck. The character in Cyberpunk 2077 can be a hero or heroine, dressed as a dark corporate grouper or freaky streetkid punk. Green hair is combined with glowing red eyeballs, the face is paved with tattoos and even your own genitals are optimized at the touch of a button.

But what kind of character editor does the role-playing game offer in detail? Which options are available and what is still not possible with all the variety? We played Cyberpunk and will introduce you to the customization options for V in more detail so that you don’t waste hours and hours building the perfect character.

Do you see yourself in the game at all?

Talking about waste, good point! Cyberpunk 2077 is played almost exclusively from the ego-perspective. Just like Skyrim, you hardly ever see your self-built character. In between only a motorcycle ride from the optional third-person perspective reminds you of your look or you risk a look at V in the inventory screen and usually close the menu again quickly – currently your clothes depend on your stats, so your mercenary looks like stealing your wardrobe at flea markets.

Read more about Cyberpunk2077:



But Cyberpunk 2077 is a roleplaying game and that often includes slipping into a certain role and decorating it visually. You shouldn’t ignore the editor despite the first-person view, because it offers a lot of cool customization options. Even if not as many as you would expect from a game about body modification and transhumanism.

This is in the character editor

cyberpunk2077 character-editor
Vs body type cannot be changed.


Right at the start of the game you choose not only your life path and the level of difficulty, but also the gender of your character – at least its base, genitals and voice can be changed afterwards. Different body types do not exist, V always has the same slim standard figure.

face – upper half: skin, hair, eyes

  • For men and women, there are three presets each with pre-designed heads to choose from, as well as a fourth variant, which is generated randomly.
  • You may change the voice independently between “male” and “female”.
  • There are twelve basic tones for the skin, as well as five skin types with different redness, pigment spots or impurities
  • Hair: There are 39 different hairstyles available on the male and female side, but depending on the gender of the body base. A male V cannot be given a female hairstyle, but you can give it other female characteristics.
  • You can choose your hair color from 24 variations, ranging from brown, blond or even black to more daring tones such as pink or a gradient from Caribbean ocean turquoise to midnight blue.
  • Eyes you choose from a total of 21 presets, which set different sizes, angles and distances for your visual organs.
  • For the eye color you can choose from nine normal iris colors (okay, as normal as red and violet can be), the same with red veins in the background and finally wicked cyberware eyes. Here you can choose between bright red spirals, demonic cat eyes or hearts if you want to spread a little love in the dark night city.
  • Brew: Your choice is framed by eight eyebrow presets, which you can brush onto your forehead in eight colors.

face – lower half: nose, mouth, chin, ears, beard

  • Nose: You may screw 21 differently sized and differently shaped prongs into your face, including smaller hooks or lumps – but completely crazy smelling organs do not expect you.
  • Mouth: With the mouths it looks similar. Sometimes the lips are narrow, sometimes thick, sometimes the mouth is large and wide, sometimes small and round. Here, too, 21 variations offer variety.
  • Chin: The changes in the 21 jaw models are also comparatively subtle. V’s head is sometimes tapered, sometimes angular, sometimes round and chubby. You won’t fall back on half unscrewed cyber chins and other future technology.
  • Ears: You already guessed it: Among the 21 ears you will find pointed, protruding, round or even close-fitting specimens, but no modified robotic ears or stolen cat ears.
  • Beard: From the three-day beard up to “for ten years without razor off the civilization” you select then if necessary still between twelve beard variants. Also the facial hair can be beautified with 24 different colors up to neon tones. By the way, the female V does not have a beard.
Cyberpunk2077 Character Editor Head
For men there are three fixed and one random head to choose from.

Face – Cyberware, scars, make-up, piercings, teeth

  • Cyberware: You can choose from eight metal embellishments for your face. In contrast to the cyberware in the Ripperdoc they only provide optical improvements.
  • Also scars serve your personal coolness factor. Here are ten sets to click through.
    Face Tattoos: Even if his or her mother might not be enthusiastic about it, V is allowed to decorate neck, chin, cheeks and forehead with ink – in eleven variations from roses to doodles.
  • Piercings: Of course, in a world full of metal even ears, nose, eyebrows or lips are not safe. Piercings come in 16 variations and different colors.
  • Teeth: Even your teeth can be colored, V smiles in gold – or pink.
  • Make-up: For men and women, the eyes can be embellished with eight different make-up styles and also accentuated with different colors. The lips and even the cheeks can be made up accordingly and highlighted in different colors. In addition, you V can miss small blemishes such as birthmarks.

Body: fingernails, tattoos, scars, chest, genitals

  • Nails: Also here applies: Same right for all! V can wear the nails as man or woman short or long, or even paint them in 37 colors and pattern variations.
  • Breast: For men, nipples can be turned on and off. Women choose between “flared” and slightly smaller or larger nipples. The size of the breasts can also be switched between small, standard and large.
  • Tattoos: For the large body tattoos you can choose from five.
  • Scarring: For the body scars you can choose between two sets, but all in all they only make a subtle difference – especially if you already use other body paintings.
  • Genitals are displayed by default (V wears underwear). But if you want, you can have them displayed and adjusted. Regardless of the female or male basic structure you can switch on penis or vagina and choose between small, standard and large. The pubic hair and the color of the hair can also be adjusted. In the game you will only notice this if the camera angles in sex scenes let you look down on yourself.
Cyberpunk2077 Editor Nipples
For men the penis length can be adjusted accordingly. The nipples can also be removed for both sexes.

So Cyberpunk 2077 offers you a lot of customization possibilities for V, from the slick Corpo upstart to the motley chaotic Streetkid psycho to the casual nomad mechanic and a lot in between – especially if you take some time for details and let off steam. With regard to the cyberpunk scenario, there would have been more in it, though, in terms of mechanical parts or weird elements like completely different hair colors or artificial hair.