WoW Shadowlands Guide: How the Fury Warrior provides damage

WoW Shadowlands Fury Warrior Guide

Furor warriors are bear-strong berserkers in a brutal bloodlust with considerable brute force.

Furor Warriors deal powerful damage with their two weapons in World of Warcraft and are the only class that can carry two two-handed weapons at the same time. Alternative warrior specializations include the Arms Warrior for damage and the Protective Warrior, who acts as a tank.

The most important changes

In addition to general warrior skills like Shattering Throw and Intervene, Furor Warriors in Shadowlands gain the passive talent Aiming Furor. This allows them to wield two one-handed weapons again instead of two two-handed weapons and gives them a bonus to damage dealt and movement speed.

The speed bonus of your passive ability Rage Attack has been reduced from 25% to 15%. In addition, the number of targets hit by Whirlwind is reduced to five. Furor Warriors get a number of adjustments to their talents.

WoW Shadowlands Fury Warrior
Rampage sends a hail of blows down on the target with both weapons and is guaranteed to send you into a frenzy.

There are four new talents: Frenzy increases your speed if you have used Rage. Rush is a new talent and ability that deals damage and generates rage. Simmering lets Bloodthirst generate more rage, and Cruelty grants Raging Blow extra damage and a chance to complete its own cooldown when used in Rage. Fresh Flesh also no longer increases Bloodthirst’s healing, but puts you in a rage state whenever you first attack a target.

How to play the Furor Warrior

You should set the attribute priority for the Furor Warrior as follows:

  1. Strength
  2. Critical hit chance
  3. Mastery
  4. Speed
  5. Versatility
15Fresh MeatRampage sends a hail of blows down on the target with both weapons and is guaranteed to send you into a frenzy.
25Double TimeIncreases the maximum number of charges of Storm Attack by one and reduces the cooldown by three seconds.
30OnslaughtBrutally attacks an enemy, dealing 1,445 physical damage. Requires rage condition. Generates 15 rage.
35WarpaintYou will take 10% less damage in the Wutz state.
40SeetheBloodthirst generates two more rage or four more rage if your primary target is critically hit with it.
45Dragon RoarEmits an explosive roar that deals 1,866 physical damage to all enemies within twelve meters. Critical hits with Dragon’s Roar deal three times the normal damage. Generates ten rage.
50Reckless AbandonFoolhardiness generates 50 Rage and significantly increases Bloodthirst and Furious Strike.
WoW Shadowlands Fury Warrior
Dragon’s Roar is a popular talent that deals a lot of damage to enemies in the vicinity

As a Fury Warrior, you should always try to stay in a Fury state for as long as possible, as it is largely responsible for the damage you deal. You can reach this state by using Bloodthirst and Rage. Both should only be used when you are not in rage, or in the case of rage, when your rage is over 90.

Fury is used on cooldown to maximize your damage, and otherwise you’ll primarily rotate through the Rush, Furious Strike, and Dragon’s Roar abilities. Whirlwind serves as a filler whenever you can’t use another ability – even against just one target. Execute is used as often as possible, but only while you’re in the rage state.