Voting in Warzone – Developers ask for your opinion in an unusually democratic way


After the recently introduced HP buff in Vanguard-Royale, the next change for Warzone could be just around the corner.

The Warzone developers are not exactly known for working very closely with the community. However, they are now showing a new side of themselves on Twitter.

Warzone community gets a say

A poll on Twitter about a balancing change in Warzone is stumping the Call of Duty community right now. Developer Raven Software has launched a poll on their Twitter account to decide whether the recently introduced HP buff in Vanguard-Royale should now be introduced in the regular Battle Royale mode.

In the March 3 update, the developers had raised player health from 100 to 150 to counteract the ever-shortening TTK in Vanguard-Royale.

How does it look?

The results so far are running in a clear direction. More than 63,000 votes have been cast so far, of which 72.6% were in favour of raising the HP from 100 to 150 . According to the developers, the change will appear in the upcoming mid-season update, which will probably be released on 22 March. Where this unusual involvement of the community comes from is unclear, but apparently the surprising HP buff in Vanguard-Royale was so well received that they are now considering extending it to the entire game.

The change in Vanguard-Royale has also shifted the weapon meta, resulting in some weapons now being more useful than others. If the change soon affects regular Battle Royale, we can expect a meta shift there as well.