WoW Shadowlands: All info about the valor points

WoW Valor Points Patch 9.0.5

Valor Points are returning to WoW with patch 9.0.5. We’ll explain how to farm them, what you need them for, and what else you need to know.

With the new patch 9.0.5, Valor Points are coming back into the game. Old hands may still know the currency from the times of WoW Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria. In this article, we’ll explain what Valor Points actually are, where you can get them, and what you can use them for.

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What are Valor Points?

Valor Points are a currency in WoW Shadowlands that you can use to improve your equipment. The points can be used to improve end-game equipment so that it climbs up a few item levels.

Depending on how far you’ve already progressed in the endgame, you can upgrade your equipment to certain levels. This works much like upgrading PvP gear with honor. However, unlike PvP armor, you cannot buy equipment with Valor points.

How do I get Valor Points?

You can farm Valor Points in two different ways: Through daily Covenant quests (Covenant Callings) and by completing Mythic-Plus dungeons. Depending on which type of daily quest you complete (rare or epic), you will receive 35 or 50 Valor Points. Currently, completing Mythic-plus dungeons will earn you 135 Valor Points at each keystone level.

In the first week, you can only farm 5,750 Valor Points. After that, you can earn 750 Valor Points every week. However, you can earn the points indefinitely. So there is no upper limit of points you can carry. This was once planned, but Blizzard decided to change it shortly before the release of the patch.

Where do I upgrade my equipment with Valor Points

To upgrade your items with Valor Points, either go to the PvP upgrader in Oribos or to your Pact NPC where you also upgraded your Pact gear. He is located in your Pact Sanctum. You can upgrade all gear obtained in Mythic-Plus dungeons or the Great Treasury as of patch 9.0.5, it is marked accordingly. Equipment obtained prior to patch 9.0.5 cannot be upgraded with Valor Points.

How do I use Valor Points?

The equipment you can upgrade with Valor Points has a rank from one to twelve, which is tied to the item level. With Valor Points, you can now move up a rank and with it a few item levels. Here you can see which rank stands for which item level:

RankItem Level

How many points you need for a gear upgrade depends on the type of gear. Shields, rings and bracers are the cheapest, two-handed weapons are the most expensive. Here is a detailed overview:

Valor PointsEquipment
250Shields, Offhand, Rings, Capes, Bracers, Necklaces
400Jewelry, belts, shoulders, gloves, shoes
475Helmets, pants, breastplate
500One-handed weapons with agility focus
750One-handed weapons with intelligence focus
1000Two-handed weapons
still unknownOne-handed weapons with strength focus

What are the requirements to upgrade my equipment?

On the first ranks (one to five) there are no prerequisites. You simply need an item that you can upgrade with Valor Points and the required number of Valor Points. From rank six on, various achievements are needed to be able to upgrade to the next levels:

  • Starting at rank 6, you must complete all myth-plus dungeons at level 5 or higher within the time limit (Achievement: Shadowlands Keystone Explorer: Season One).
  • Rank 8 or higher: Complete all mythic-plus dungeons at level 10 or higher within the time limit (Achievement: Shadowlands Keystone Conqueror: Season One)
  • At rank 10, you must complete all mythic-plus dungeons at level 15 or higher within the time limit (Achievement: Shadowlands Keystone Master: Season One)

Can I use Valor Points elsewhere?

If you don’t want to buy gear upgrades with your Valor Points, you can also exchange them for crafting materials at a merchant in Oribos.

What other ways do I have to upgrade my gear?

In addition to Valor Points, there is also the option to upgrade your Pact gear up to an item level of 197 at the lower ranks. To do this, you only need Anima and you don’t have to complete any mythic-plus dungeons yet. Alternatively, you can also try your hand at PvP and buy PvP armor with the honor you receive, which you can then upgrade.