Matrix moment in Warzone – New bug freezes game


In Call of Duty: Warzone, strange errors in the form of bugs or glitches are part of the norm. One leads to the freeze of the opponent, which resembles a touch of the film series Matrix.

To be left defenceless is an often unfortunate situation in Call of Duty: Warzone that happens to everyone one day. However, a Reddit clip is making the rounds in which the enemy seemingly freezes in the Battle Royale during heated combat. While the enemy is stuck in the firefight, the protagonist can move freely. This is reminiscent of forces like in Matrix.

The Reddit user “vagners2” either has special powers like Matrix hero Neo or has most likely encountered a new freeze bug. In his clip from Sunday, you can see how time suddenly stands still in Call of Duty: Warzone. It seems as if he can dodge every bullet. In the southwest of Rebirth near Stronghold, the incident occurred, suggesting a freeze bug.

Another version of the video including sound has been published on the Youtube channel “Call of Duty: Warzone Moments”. Here it is clearly audible that shooting continues, but this has no effect on the game. Furthermore, the flame sounds can be heard permanently.

The cause of this bug is not clear. The combination of the thrown Molotov and the simultaneous firefight of the two opponents in the narrow corridor could have given the game too much input. Similar problems of this kind have not yet been reported. However, bugs with freeze consequences are not uncommon in the Battle Royale. Developer Raven Software has not yet commented on such cases.