Lost Ark takes questionable measures in the fight against bots


The patch notes for the new Lost Ark update cause displeasure: Because Amazon despairs in the fight against bots, rewards are cancelled for all players.

After the long-awaited April update for Lost Ark was released last week and brought heaps of content as well as the first new class into the game, the weekly patch is due again today.

This time, of course, it is much less extensive, but there are still some changes in it that all players should have on their radar – and hopefully won’t let them get upset by them.

Cancelled reward because of bot flood

Those who have played Lost Ark in recent weeks will surely have encountered them: The hordes of Gold Farmer bots, most of which come in the form of sword-wielding Berserkers

Despite numerous attempts by the developers to put a stop to the problem, Amazon Games continues to fail to get this unsightly plague under control.

Instead, the developers now want to try a new discouragement tactic, from which real players also suffer: According to the patch notes  – Gem chest rewards have been removed from the casual guardian raid reward pool:

gem chests have been removed to combat excessive bot farming “.

Although there is a chance to win Legendary Card Packs and green, blue and purple Engraving Guides as compensation, regular players should have collected more than enough of these books by now.

And those who still need to collect the engravings can also buy them in the auction house, as the gold prices for these have plummeted in recent weeks.

But that’s not all: In addition, various gold rewards that players can get from some world and fortress quests will be cancelled – also to prevent farming by bots.

Bot developers are always one step ahead of Amazon

Whether the changes in the patch will really lead to fewer bots wreaking havoc in Arkesia is, of course, highly questionable. It is true that the operation of a bot becomes less profitable, but as long as the sheer masses of cheaters cannot be effectively detected by Amazon’s anti-cheat system, they will probably just carry on as usual.

Community Manager Roxx also admitted in the (official forum) that the developers can’t really stand up to the cheaters at the moment:

This is definitely a top priority for Amazon Games and Smilegate. We are constantly tracking and fighting the botters as their programs evolve and they find a way around our blocking and tools. So it’s a constant back and forth, but we will never give up “.

Now players will have to make do with fewer rewards than before for the time being. There’s no telling when the developers will strike a decisive blow against the botters. But it sounds like it could be a while yet.

Click Here to see (Lost Ark Patch Notes as of 28 April 2022)