Halo Infinite: What to expect in Season 2


The second season of Halo Infinite 2 is about to begin. As of today, you can expect not only two new maps, but also three new modes, which we will introduce to you in more detail below.

Tonight marks the launch of Halo Infinite Season 2! As 343 Industries announced via Twitter, you can explore the new features of Lone Wolves starting tonight at 8pm. On the one hand, the two new maps Cataslyst and Breaker offer new locations for exciting battles. On the other hand, the three new modes King of the Hill, Land Grab and Last Spartan Standing provide a lot of variety.

In King of the Hill mode, a neutral hill spawns between two teams. Both teams fight to claim the hill by earning points and filling up a capture bar. When this meter is full, the corresponding team receives a point and another hill spawns somewhere on the map.

The Land Grab mode works according to a similar system. This time, however, three neutral zones appear on the map that must be conquered. When all three are conquered, three new neutral zones appear. Whichever team scores 11 points first wins.
The Last Spartan Standing mode is based on the theme of Lone Wolves. There are 12 players on a large map, each with 5 respawns. As soon as they have none left, they can no longer take part in the game. Those who score a kill receive a weapon upgrade. The match ends when only one Spartan is left standing.

That was our overview of Halo Infinte Season 2 Lone Wolves. You can watch the developers’ in-depth talk about the season on (Halo Waypoint)