Darth Vader in Fortnite – Leak shows skins from Season 3 Battle Pass


The start of Season 3 in Fortnite is just around the corner. First leaks show hints of upcoming skins in the Battle Royale.

Season 2 of Chapter 3 in Fortnite is coming to an end soon. A live event will herald the end and open Season 3. A leak is said to show the first hints of the upcoming Battle Pass. According to this, Star Wars villain Darth Vader and the popular archaeologist Indiana Jones will possibly enrich the Battle Royale.

The leak was first discovered on 4chan at the end of May. The screenshot is said to show the Battle Pass of Season 3 Chapter 3. The well-known Fortnite leaker Shiina also posted it on Twitter. It shows some skins that players can apparently expect in the next season. According to Shiina, the chances that these are false clues are quite small.

The leak reports that Season 3’s Battle Pass will feature the well-known villain Darth Vader from Star Wars and the popular archaeologist Indiana Jones from Steven Spielberg’s Hollywood blockbusters released as skins in Battle Royale. After all, Obi-Wan Kenobi already made it to Fortnite and Darth Vader could follow as one of the most famous characters in the Star Wars universe.

On June 4, the “Collision” live event will launch in Fortnite, kicking off Season 3. That’s when the two skins could be available in Battle Royale. However, not much is known about the event yet and Epic Games is keeping a low profile with official information about Season 3. However, there are already some indications that the landscape in the game will change a lot. Allegedly, all the water is supposed to disappear.