Rogue Trader is the first role-playing game for Warhammer 40k and comes from real RPG experts


With Pathfinder they created two fantasy masterpieces, now Owlcat want to prove with the Warhammer 40k license that they can also master science fiction.

Picking out Warhammer 40k video games – it’s like going to the supermarket. There we have easily digestible shooters like Necromunda: Hired Gun or the recently announced Boltgun. Lunch for strategists can be found in the form of Dawn of War 2 or Gladius – Relics of War. And in the evening the calories are worked off again with a round of Space Marine.

A real role-playing game, that’s what it would be! And now you’d better hold on to your thermal lance so that you don’t fall down from the sheer jubilation: that’s exactly the kind of deep, complex role-playing game fans are finally getting!

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader is the name of the newcomer, and as if its announcement wasn’t pleasing enough in and of itself, there’s even a big cherry on top of the euphoria cup. None other than Owlcat Games is working on the title. And they created the role-playing game highlight of 2021 with Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.

We have all the currently known information ready for you and take a closer look at what you can expect from the game – and why, despite all the anticipation, a little scepticism is still in order. Before we get down to the nitty-gritty, you can get into the right mood with the Reveal Trailer:

What is Rogue Trader about?

The name of the game already lets knowledgeable fans guess what trade we are pursuing. We slip into the skin of a rogue trader. These are very powerful people who travel throughout the empire as explorers, conquerors and interstellar traders.

Ideal conditions, therefore, to function as a role-playing character. As the emperor’s negotiator, you are also in possession of a huge spaceship that is just waiting to transport you to the most remote corners of the empire and open up new worlds. How you do this is up to you.

Specifically, the action will take place in the Koronus Expanse, a sector in the middle of the Halo Zone, i.e. on the border of the Empire. Many daring adventurers have already set out for this place, rarely returning. Will you succeed?

(The fringes of the Empire are rough territory. Only a well-coordinated force can survive here.)
(The fringes of the Empire are rough territory. Only a well-coordinated force can survive here.)

Pathfinder gameplay in Warhammer guise

If you have already played one of the two Pathfinder parts, the core competencies of Rogue Trader should be familiar to you. Once again, the greatest possible freedom of choice and multi-faceted side characters who accompany you on your adventure play an important role.

A few examples of who can join your troupe? How about a rough-around-the-edges Space Marine who can really dish it out? Or an Eldar Ranger who has all kinds of helpful tricks but is very moody? And if that still doesn’t convince you, then perhaps a battle-hungry Sister of Battle to watch your back.

The developers stress that this is only a small selection of the characters who can join you. After all, the underlying universe offers more than enough material for exciting characters. Or as Oleg Shpilchevsky, CEO of Owlcat puts it in his own words:

The merciless darkness of the 41st millennium is a harsh place full of unbridled malice, unspeakable sacrifice, and great threats and challenges, perfectly suited for an exciting role-playing storyline that allows for exceptional freedom of choice for players“.

How far this freedom of choice will extend remains to be seen. But again, the studio’s plans sound very ambitious. Depending on how you interact with other characters, not only plot lines but even the game world and its inhabitants will change.

We strive to include everything in the game that fans of the cRPG genre love and expect: fateful decisions, non-linear stories, strong and diverse companions paired with addictive and complex game systems that want to be mastered

The beginning is made – but nothing more yet

Good omens, then, but they don’t guarantee a hit by any means. For despite all the expertise, Owlcat is venturing into unknown territory here, and with an internationally known licence in the background to boot. This increases the pressure and creates room for wrong decisions that could enrage fans.

In addition, the studio has already shown with the two Pathfinder DLCs that they sometimes overshoot the mark in their laudable attempt to make cRPG gameplay more multifaceted. Thus, the most recent content addition, Through the Ashes, could only partially enthuse our role-playing game expert Fabiano in his short test, precisely because of the new approaches.

And as before, we haven’t really seen much of Rogue Trader so far. So despite all the euphoria, you should always keep in mind that a lot could still change before the – not even roughly defined – release. By the way, Rogue Trader is to be released for both PC and consoles.

But you can already participate in the development before the release Because (on the official website) for the game you can purchase the so-called Founders Pack which gives you guaranteed access to the alpha and beta of the game and rewards your feedback with unique rewards. This principle is also familiar from the Pathfinder games, where fans were given earlier access to the game for a higher price.

Editor’s Verdict

I am neither an absolute Warhammer expert nor blessed with enough role-playing skill to see the credits roll in Pathfinder anytime soon. Nevertheless, when I see the first pictures of Rogue Trader, I immediately feel the desire to immerse myself in this fascinating world and play all night long until my wife appears next to me with a cup of coffee and angrily sends me to bed.

What does this tell us? That Owlcat must be doing some things right with what little they have shown of the game so far. And that Warhammer fans can have legitimate hopes of finally getting a complex role-playing game that lets them experience a whole new side of their beloved universe.

But the hard part is just beginning, namely the waiting. Waiting for more information about the gameplay, the plot and the characters. Or even a first opportunity to play the game in order to dispel the last doubts. For despite all the justified praise, Owlcat must now prove that they can also deliver a role-playing game hit outside their home Pathfinder cosmos. But a first scent mark has already been set with the announcement, and it smells pretty good to me!

And now it’s up to you! What do you think of Rogue Trader? Could you hardly keep yourselves on the chair while watching the trailer or have you not really been picked up by the game so far? Feel free to write us your wishes, hopes or even concerns in the comments!