Broken keyboards, underwear and co – The silliest Twitch bans of all time


Although many streamers live off the revenue from their live broadcasts, Twitch is very fond of uncontrollably lashing out with the ban hammer.

On the largest and most popular streaming platform, there are occasionally some ridiculous and curious slips. For example, the decisions of Twitch employees about bans against streamers have sometimes been quite questionable in the past. Some of these cases were particularly stupid.

The keyboard must suffer

It is now well known that gamers occasionally destroy one or another peripheral item while gaming. Controllers, keyboards and mice are most often affected. Twitch streamer Dellor is also known to take out rage on his gaming gear in his streams.

Destroying keyboards in particular has been one of his trademarks since the beginning of his streamer career. For this reason, the former Overwatch pro buys extra cheaper keyboards that break more easily.

However, the new “self-harm” guidelines on Twitch put a stop to Dellor’s outbursts in 2019. So after another tantrum in which he smashed a keyboard against his head and the table, he was banned from Twitch indefinitely. Given that his streams have been characterised by such scenes in the past, this ban came rather out of nowhere.

Banned because of other player

As the biggest MMORPG streamer on Twitch, Asmongold was recently the victim of a rather stupid ban decision. The American was not banned because of his own mistake, but because another player in Diablo Immortal posted a racist comment in public chat. This could be seen in his stream.

Affected was his secondary channel “zackrawrr”, which was banned for 24h. Due to the ban, however, he was also unable to stream on his main channel. For this reason, he lodged an appeal shortly afterwards. He did not agree with the decision and stressed that he did not support such comments.

At first, however, his appeal was rejected. Only when he went public with his problem and published a statement did Twitch lift the ban again. Definitely a pretty funny case.

Workout in “underwear “

One particularly stupid Twitch ban also had to be taken by Overwatch streamer Fareeha. The reason for this was the alleged wearing of revealing underwear during one of her streams. She then received a ban and was banned from all promotional events by her organisation GenG.

Actually, it was all a misunderstanding, because the streamer was wearing ordinary sportswear, like anyone would wear to the gym these days. She herself couldn’t believe it and published a tweet in which she made fun of Twitch and the employees responsible for the ban.

She was also subjected to 90 days of enhanced monitoring after the ban. In light of the sexual content that is now allowed on Twitch, this was a ban that is hard to comprehend. Something definitely went wrong here.