Focus on LoL Champion Gwen – Best Build for the Top Laner


Gwen impresses with a kit that is made for split push and battles. Thanks to the following runes, items and tips you will shine together with the champion on the top lane

Since her release in April 2021, the seamstress Gwen has been a popular pick on the top lane. Her kit is clearly designed for fighting. We tell you the best runes, items and skill orders for the champion.

Gwen is completely designed for fighting. For this reason, most players opt for Teleport and Ignite as summoner spells. In particularly tricky match-ups, Ghost or Flash can also be taken. While Gwen is still at a disadvantage against most champions on the top lane before level 6, she unfolds her power especially in the late game. Thanks to her AP and attack speed scaling, but above all her healing, she becomes an absolute terror in fights with increasing playtime.

Early Game and Skill Order

On the first levels you should take it slow with Gwen, as many top laners still outclass you here. Stay close to your tower and maximise the Q ability. This allows Gwen”s scissors to snap several times and is especially useful in short trades. The ability is also useful for a quick push of Minion Waves. However, in patch 12.13, in which Gwen received a small update, the waveclear was weakened somewhat. Furthermore, you should keep the stacks, the passive ability of Gwen”s Q, active as much as possible. That way you are well prepared for trades.

(The best build for Gwen on patch 12.13. Source:
(The best build for Gwen on patch 12.13. Source:

You will reach your first power spike at level six. Your ultimate gives you a lot of all-in potential, which you should use. When attacking your opponent, use all the resources you have. Don”t forget your Ignite and your W ability, which protects you from ranged attacks.

Split Push and Heal to Success

Once you have built up an initial advantage on the top lane and brought down the first tower, it is time for split push. On the side lanes you should now be able to beat any opponent one-on-one. You can create additional pressure with hard pushes and by clearing out the opponent”s jungle. If you tie up one or even more opponents with a split push, your team can gain further advantages in other areas of the map. If your teammates are in trouble, your teleport should always be ready to support them.

(Pastry Gwen is one of two available skins for the seamstress. Source: Riot Games.)
(Pastry Gwen is one of two available skins for the seamstress. Source: Riot Games.)

In single and team fights you try to do as much damage with Q and Ultimate as possible. This not only shreds the opponents, but also gives you a lot of healing. Especially in team fights, however, your W ability is the key to success. It makes it difficult for the enemy team to target you, and the fog protects you from attacks from a distance.

Runes and Items for Gwen

It”s not just Gwen”s abilities that provide lots of healing from attacks. This effect is enhanced by the Keystone -Mastery Conqueror, which is standard on the Seamstress. In the second mastery tree, Gwen pros rely primarily on the defensive Resolve tree.

(The current most popular runes for Gwen on patch 12.13. Source: League of Legends.)
(The current most popular runes for Gwen on patch 12.13. Source: League of Legends.)

The core item on Gwen is the Riftmaker, which also gives you healing, as well as Ability Power and Ability Haste. This should be followed by Nashor”s Tooth, which equips you for fights with Attack Speed and Ability Power. After that, you can either go for a more defensive item with Zhonya”s Hourglass. If you are good at the game, you can also do more damage with Rabadon”s Deathcap or Cosmic Drive.