Genshin impact cheater behind bars – years in prison for gaming cheat


2021 the cheat developers have already been arrested, but only now the verdict is known. The Genshin Impact cheats must pay a considerable sum and a prison sentence beckons.

In June 2021, three suspects were arrested for developing cheats for the fantasy role-playing game Genshin Impact. They allegedly sold over 40,000 copies of their plug-in and made the equivalent of $300,000 dollars in revenue. Now the verdict is in and the cheat developers will be held accountable.

What exactly was the cheat about?

The three defendants sold over 40,000 keys for their own plug-in, which had cheats of various kinds. Among other things, there were probably cheats that enabled the player to have an unlimited amount of primal stones. Primordial stones, also often called “primos” among players, are needed in Genshin Impact to acquire so-called prayers. Prayers allow players to unlock new items, weapons and playable characters.

What is the punishment for cheaters?

The developers of Genshin Impact, HoYoverse, are not cutting any corners when it comes to fighting cheaters and cheating in their game.

According to the Chinese financial site, the main culprit faces a four-year prison sentence, as well as a fine of the equivalent of about $50,000. His main accomplice must go to prison for three years and ten months and also pay a fine of $50,000. The third accomplice receives a slightly lighter sentence of a $10,000 fine and one year and six months in prison.

Since the game does not have a PvP multiplayer mode, parts of the Genshin Impact community are surprised that the punishment is so high. Other players, however, interpret the availability of unlimited primal rock as a direct theft from the developer studio and see the penalty as justified.

Whether the high level of the penalty will deter other players from cheating in the future remains to be seen. This case shows that HoYoverse is not to be trifled with on the subject of cheating.