The 5 best bot laners to climb in Season 11

league of legends ad carry climb

Who are the best ADCs this season? We’ve picked out the five strongest of them for you to achieve your dream rank in Season 11.

The role of the bot laner is probably the most difficult in League of Legends. Whether you win the lane or not depends a lot on your support. That’s why we went in search of champions who can be very strong on their own. The following list was created with three criteria in mind, each with a score of 1-5.

Carry potential: The higher the score, the better the champion can decide the game for his team alone.
Dependency on teammates: The lower the score, the more independent the champion is and therefore better in solo cue. There you want to avoid relying on others.
State of the meta: The higher the number, the better the champion is in the current Season 11 meta. This number can fluctuate greatly with new patches.

5. Vayne – Who needs a team?

Carry potential: 4,5/5
Dependency: 3.5/5
Meta: 2,5/5

Known as one of the strongest carries in the late-game, Vayne is an exceptional pick. With this champ, you definitely want a game to last longer, as he truly takes over the game in later parts of a match. With built-in invisibility in her kit, you’ll be able to dodge all dangers and win battles for yourself. Also, your W ability will drop tanks’ life bars towards zero in no time.

Vayne’s big weakness, however, is in the early game. With a short range, you will be outclassed by most bot laners. Therefore, it’s important not to rush a match in order to make it safely into the late-game.

4. Jhin – Curtain up

Carry potential: 4/5
Dependence: 3/5
Meta: 3/5

Artist Jhin shows you an ADC that packs a punch. With his kit he is deadlier than most bot laners, especially immobile champions should be wary of him. With his 4-shot passive, he can take over many fights and leave them safely after the fourth shot with increased movement speed.

During the laning phase, it is advisable to have an Engage support at your side, as you yourself lack initiation tools especially at the beginning. However, this changes with your Ulti, which can start any fight with great range. Unlike Vayne, Jhin has a hard time when there is more than one tank on the enemy team. So choose this champ wisely.

All of this still earns Jhin fourth place (Get it? Fourth place, four shots? … Okay, okay I’m moving on).

3. Tristana – All or nothing

Carry potential: 4/5
Dependence: 2,5/5
Meta: 4,5/5

One of the most flexible shooters in the game goes by the name of Tristana. With application in the mid and bot lane, she is a strong pick in the current meta. Like Jhin, Tristana needs a support to start her fights for her. If that works, nothing can stop you and you can jump right into the action.

Especially with your explosive charge on the E skill and the Blade Hail keystone, you can literally blow up your enemies. Your jump also lets you leap from one enemy to the next, as the cooldown resets per kill. However, you always jump after a short recharge time, during which it’s easy to get stopped by crowd control. So always pay attention to where you use the ability.

2. Samira – the yasuo on the bot lane

Carry potential: 4/5
Dependence: 2/5
Meta: 3.5/5

At the beginning of the Season, this champ was just broken. However, even the many nerfs couldn’t stop them from dominating on the bot lane. The goal of this champ is to build up your rank. You can do this by constantly hitting your opponents with different attacks. Then, once you’ve reached S rank, you can detonate your Ulti and raze everything around you to the ground. Meanwhile, you are still mobile and can jump through Minions and enemies.

1. Kai’Sa – Ultimate Slayer

Carry potential: 4.5/5
Dependency: 2/5
Meta: 5/5

The best champion for climbing the bot lane is definitely Kai’Sa. Lots of damage in 1 vs 1 and abilities that make her mobile in team fights round out the champion perfectly. Laning phase is also no problem for Kai’Sa. Engage supports can help her start fights, but she can also take opponents out of the game herself with her Ulti. Tanks also have little chance due to her passives. Especially in the current meta, this is a big advantage. These points make Kai’Sa one of the most powerful picks of the season.

That was our list of the five best ADCs for the solo cue. Always remember to look out for yourself and play these picks so you don’t depend too much on your teammates.