Fortnite Update V.21.51 – Things are heating up in Battle Royale


With the update V.21.51 a fiery week starts in Fortnite. In addition to the dragonodem shotgun, booze cannons are also returning.

The final patch before the end of Chapter 3 Season 3 is upon us in Fortnite. On Wednesday, players:inside can get ready for a fiery week in the Battle Royale with update V.21.51.

In Fortnite, the “Fight Fire with Fire” week kicks off and it’s all about heated duels with flames. This will make the Primordial Flame Bow and the Dragon Em Shotgun available in the Battle Royale. The weapons can be found in chests on the map and the arrows for the bow are either on the ground or in ammunition boxes.

Also returning with the update in Fortnite will be the glowworm jars and booze cannons. Especially for the fiery week in Fortnite, there will also be special missions where players:inside can dust off experience points. However, Epic Games has also planned further adjustments to some features in the Battle Royale with the update.

Although the feature to undo a purchase is already present in Fortnite, the patch extends the time window for returns. Players will now have 24 hours to return cosmetic items. The parental controls will be located higher up in the main lobby menu with the update, and parents will also be able to limit which voice chat is available to their children.