God of War Ragnarok: New video shows Svartalfheim


We have known for a long time that we will travel to all nine worlds in God of War Ragnarok. A large part of them we already know from the previous part of the series. In a new video, we find out what Svartalfheim, the home of the dwarves, looks like.

The great world tree Yggdrasil houses the nine worlds. We have already been able to get to know six of them. We will be able to enter Asgard, Vanaheim and Svartalfheim for the first time in God of War Ragnarok. A new video from Game Informer shows us what Svartalfheim, the home of the dwarves, has in store for Kratos and Atreus. We also learn about the possible means of transportation in the game.

In pretty much all myths and fairy tales, dwarves are the ones who are good at engineering and building. This is also evident in the level design of God of War Ragnarok. In Svartalfheim, you will come across mines, mine pits and artificial waterways, among other things, which will demonstrate this skill to you.

Such a labyrinth of mechanics naturally paves the way for puzzles that involve your surroundings. So wield the leviathan axe to freeze geysers or use the blades of fate to trigger hard-to-reach levers. But Atreus can also be “asked” to set some levers in motion.

The different weather and environmental conditions of the new worlds force Kratos and Atreus to adapt their means of locomotion. While you will travel by canoe in temperate latitudes such as Svartalfheim, you will probably make do with a dog sled in more frosty regions.

Accompanying this, the level designers also talk about the already familiar ones of the nine worlds. Even though we have already travelled Alfheim, Helheim, Jotunheim, Nifflheim and Muspelheim, in God of War Ragnarok we will get a completely new feeling when entering the worlds.

We are looking forward to this new experience and can therefore hardly wait for 9 November.