Won in 3 vs. 5 – MAD Lions with unusual performance at the Worlds


A number of teams are missing players at the 2022 Worlds due to Corona illnesses. MAD Lions even had two absent on the first day.

On the first day of the LoL Worlds 2022 on 29 September, MAD Lions had to play against Isurus Gaming. However, not all players of the European team were present on the stage.

While the players were preparing for the match and choosing their respective champions, only three professionals from MAD Lions were on the Stage. However, the two missing players still took part: due to a Corona illness, they had to take part in the match from another location.

Riot Games has already announced in advance that players who have tested positive for COVID-19 will still be able to participate in the tournament – but from an isolated room. The reduced live presence of the three healthy players doesn”t seem to have hurt the team, however, as they were able to secure victory against their South American opponents in the end.

In addition to MAD Lions players, three of the team”s employees have also tested positive for Corona. And other teams have also suffered absences due to Covid illnesses. At Fnatic, with Elias “Upset” Lipp and Zdravets “Hylissang” Iliev Galabov, the entire botlane tested positive before leaving for Mexico. During the ongoing Worlds, other members of the team fell ill.