Season 3 Reloaded – Weapon changes, standoff and new modes in CoD


The huge Season 3 Reloaded update has also arrived in Cold War. Among other things, you can expect standoff and many weapon changes.

The heroes of the 80s action movies have arrived in Call of Duty and they bring some changes with them.  Nine challenges await you with the event, with which you can unlock various cosmetic items and there are new bundles in the shop.

New Map and Modes

In Warzone it was already implemented in parts, now Standoff in Cold War is playable as a standalone map. The map was already a fan favourite in Black Ops II, accordingly the accompanying 24/7 playlist should be well filled in the coming days.

The map Duga, already known from Outbreak, is now also playable in regular multiplayer. Hop into the fireteam modes to do so, as the map is huge and accordingly only suitable for the big modes.

The multi-team elimination mode is also a small version of Warzone in Cold War. Here, 40 players will compete against each other in the usual Battle Royale manner on the fireteam maps, while the zone slowly becomes smaller. However, you cannot access the mode yet. This will change in the course of the week.

As part of the 80s event, there is now also the “Set Slow” mode. There you will get buffs when you take a position and can expand it with killstreaks. In the course of next week you can also expect a mode that will be based on Rambo.

Are snipers useless now?

One focus of the new update is the sniper rifles. With these, the flinching when you are hit while aiming has been significantly increased. This makes it extremely difficult to hit enemies once they shoot at you.

In addition, each sniper rifle has been heavily reworked individually. Overall, however, the aiming speed has been made slightly slower for all weapons, and many attachments have also been reworked.

To bring it in line with the strength of the other snipers, the Swiss K31 now offers 25% more resistance to flinching. This means it is no longer the worst choice among sniper rifles.

So all in all, a hard nerf against snipers. Still, every single weapon is not much worse than before. The amount of changes makes the weapons seem worse than they are now. For most players, the changes shouldn’t really make much of a difference.

Are assault rifles the new Cold War meta?

Similarly to snipers, assault rifles have undergone some changes across the bench. For example, all of them except the FFAR now have better bullet velocity. This has the greatest effect on the AK47.

In return, the FFAR’s damage has been increased from 27 to 28, making it more effective at short range when you land a headshot. This makes it more effective as a hybrid between assault rifle and MP, while the rest of the assault rifles become more constant at longer distances.

Similar adjustments have been made to the LMGs. The projectile speed of these has also been increased. On the other hand, the special command barrel of all LMGs now offers less projectile speed bonus than before.

In addition to these changes, there are many new features in the zombie mode, changes in League Play and much more. Pistols have also been minimally adjusted, but you should hardly notice any difference.