Fortnite: Shadow Ruby Skin for free

Fortnite skins for free

Currently, there is the Street Shadow package in the item shop in Fortnite, which includes the Shadow Ruby Skin. We show you how to get the pack and the skin.

The free pack that includes the Shadow Ruby skin is available in the Fortnite item shop. On PC, it’s not particularly hard to get the pack – but for console players, it’s not as obvious how to get the new free skin.

How to get the Shadow Ruby Skin on PC

On PC, it couldn’t be easier to get your hands on the Shadow Ruby Skin: Just open up the Fortnite item shop and scroll down to the limited time items section. There you will find the Street Shadow pack and you can download it for free. Keep in mind, however, that the Road Shadow pack is only available from 20 May to 17 June.

Once you’ve got the pack, you’ll need to do a little work to get the skin: You need to complete the Shadow Ruby Challenges and then you will be rewarded with the new skin.

How to get the Shadow Ruby skin on consoles

On console, let’s put on our hacking hats for a moment to get the Street Shadow pack: Grab a PC, install and launch Fortnite, log into your account and grab the free pack from the store. You don’t have to start the game and consequently your PC doesn’t even have to be particularly powerful. Thanks to cross-progression, the package is also available in your account on your console. All you have to do is pass the challenges and the Shadow Ruby skin is yours;

Mobile players can also rejoice: the last method can not only be used for the PlayStation, Xbox or the Switch, but also works with your Fortnite smartphone accounts. Hooray for cross-progression!