Is this the end of Warzone? How to get your personal Legacy Video


The developers of Warzone are giving every player a personal video with their stats. Is this the end of Warzone?

Although Warzone is not officially being discontinued, shortly before the release of Warzone 2.0 there will be a kind of personal farewell video for every player, which lists all your statistics from the past years in Battle Royale, among other things. We”ll tell you how you can get your personal Warzone Legacy Video

Goodbye or goodbye?

If leaks from industry insider Tom Henderson are to be believed, Warzone will continue to be run by Activision after the release of Warzone 2.0. However, you don”t have to be a soothsayer to guess that Warzone”s playerbase will probably move swiftly to the new and hopefully less buggy game after the release of its successor on 16 November.

As this seems to be clear to the developers as well, shortly before the release of WZ2.0 they are giving each player a personal farewell video including the most important statistics of the Warzone career so far. In addition to kills, deaths and the number of matches played, statistics on Gulag duels won and your most used weapon are also presented.

Officially, there is still no statement from the developers about whether or how long Warzone will continue to be supported, so it is questionable whether the action is to be understood as a goodbye or auf Wiedersehen from Warzone. However, the name Warzone Legacy Video sounds like a goodbye, especially since Legacy translates as “inheritance” or “legacy” and for an inheritance, as we all know, something has to die first.

How to do it

  1. Follow the link to the page (
  2. Enter your personal Activision ID
  3. Press “Submit” afterwards
  4. Enjoy your very own Warzone Legacy Video

If you don”t know your Activision ID or are having trouble, go to ( for more help.

The event is well received by the community and players are vigorously sharing their videos and screenshots on social media. However, one or two legitimate questions come up as to why a game as old and buggy as Warzone can capture stats, but Modern Warfare 2 does not.

In addition to the video, you can download the “Veteran Action Report” which contains more detailed information about your stats in Warzone. The whole promotion only goes until 30 November, so you should hurry before it”s too late.