Age of Empires 4: New free content coming, including fan favourite from AoE 2.


AoE4”s third season is only a few weeks old, and the developers are already revealing more plans for the future. We clarify when what is to be released.

The real-time battles are not getting any less: Next year, the fourth season of Age of Empires 4 will be released and will bring a bunch of new content with it. Fans of Age of Empires 2 can be especially happy, after all, a popular game mode is now making its comeback.

The developers have now announced (on their website) exactly what fans can expect. We”ll summarise everything for you here, but to get you in the strategic mood first, you can watch the trailer for the Anniversary Edition here:

All info on Season 4

When is the release? In February 2023 the fourth major update for AoE4 should be released, in January the update preview should start.

What”s in it? Age of Empires 4 fans can especially look forward to winter when the popular Nomads game mode returns. Here you don”t start with a village centre, but with a few scattered villages, which makes the game start much slower. But that”s not all, of course, you can find all the other innovations here in fast forward:

  • Landscapes can be improved: The initially selected landscape cannot be changed during the game, but the less used areas will now get “unique features” during the game. Which landscapes can be changed and how will be communicated in the future.
  • New maps and a biome: Age 4 will again be equipped with new maps, but also a special biome exclusively for the Season was announced.
    (You can also check out the roadmap here to see what''s coming up and when).
    (You can also check out the roadmap here to see what”s coming up and when).

    • Improved Mod UI: The user interface for all kinds of mods is to be made clearer and simpler.
    • Reduced Chat Delay: Chat messages in multiplayer still take a while to arrive at the desired player. This is supposed to change in Season 4.
    • More UI changes: The user interface will change a bit with the minimap and stationed unit interface being reworked. You will be able to decide how big the map is on the screen in February and the garrison interface will allow you to examine the building info panel while units are stationed there.
    • Other new features: Also coming your way are a few balancing changes, bug fixes, ranked rewards and a new event. By the way, an Age of Empires for mobile devices is also being worked on:

    What happens after Season 4?

    You can look forward to more content for Age of Empires 4 after February. More seasons and events are to follow, maps, biomes and game modes will be released and the caster mode will also be improved. In addition, AoE4 will be released next year for the Xbox consoles.

    Are you already looking forward to the Nomad mode or does the nostalgia factor leave you cold? And what do you think of the third season in Age of Empires 4 so far? Feel free to write us in the comments!