Diablo 4: All skills of the sorceress and possible builds


You want to play the Sorceress in Diablo 4? We show you all the skills of the class and three possible builds for the Sorceress in D4.

To help you prepare for the upcoming beta and the upcoming release, we show you all skills of all classes in detail and provide some ideas for builds. This time we”re talking about the sorceress, who is one of the most popular classes in the series along with the necromancer.

All skills of the Sorceress in Diablo 4

In Diablo 4, the Sorceress does exactly what fans expect of her: she shapes the elements to cast powerful spells from the categories of fire, ice and lightning. For example, she hurls lightning, impales enemies with ice spikes and sends flaming meteorites raining down from the sky.

Note: All the following information about the skills comes from an internal beta, a lot can still change until the release.

Basic Skills

Basic Skills are skills that cost no mana, have no cooldown and can therefore always be used. By default, these skills are located on the left mouse button.

  • Fire Bolt (Fire): Hurls a bolt of fire at enemies, burning them for eight seconds.
  • Frost Bolt (Ice): Throws a bolt of frost at enemies, slowing them down when hit.
  • Arc Lash (Lightning): Unleashes a wave of lightning at enemies in front of you, shocking enemies and restoring mana.
  • Lightning (Lightning): Throws a lightning bolt at enemies that jumps to nearby enemies, dealing 30% less damage per jump.

Core Skills

The core skills are your main attacks. They can be used without a cooldown, but they consume a little mana.

  • Fireball (Fire): Throws a huge fireball that explodes on contact and deals AoE damage.
  • Incinerate (Fire): Lets a stream of fire rain down on your enemies, dealing more damage to them over time.
  • Frozen Orb (Ice): Summons an orb that freezes enemies and emits piercing shards before exploding in flashes of frost.
  • Ice Shards (Ice): Hurls five shards that deal damage and deal extra damage to frozen enemies.
  • Charged Bolts (Lightning): Releases six bolts of lightning that race across the ground in irregular patterns, dealing damage when they hit.
  • Chain Lightning (Lightning): Unleashes a chain lightning bolt that leaps at nearby enemies.

Defensive Skills

This group includes defensive skills that help ensure your survival.

  • Flame Shield (Fire): Makes you invulnerable for two seconds and burns close enemies.
  • Frost Nova (Ice): Freezes all enemies around you for 2 seconds.
  • Ice Armor (Ice): Gain a barrier equal to 30% of your base life.
  • Teleport (Lightning): You turn into a lightning bolt and fly to the target location where you deal lightning damage to nearby enemies.
(Use the Frost Nova to quickly freeze nearby enemies.)
(Use the Frost Nova to quickly freeze nearby enemies.)

    Conjuration Skills

    Here you will find conjuration spells whose effects last for several seconds but have a high cooldown.

    • Ice Blades (Ice): Summons icy blades that slash nearby enemies for 6 seconds.
    • Hydra (Fire): Summons a three-headed Hyda that spits fireballs at nearby enemies for 8 seconds.
    • Lightning Spear (Lightning): Summons a lightning spear that seeks out and attacks enemies for 6 seconds.

    Mastery Skills

    Mastery Skills are powerful skills that cost a lot of mana but have no cooldown.

    • Blizzard (Ice): Summons a blizzard that rains ice down on your enemies for 6 seconds.
    • Ball Lightning (Lightning): Summons a ball lightning that slowly moves forward and shocks nearby enemies repeatedly.
    • Firewall (Fire): Summons a wall of fire for 8 seconds that burns all enemies hit.
    • Meteor (Fire): Summons a meteor that hits enemies and then burns the ground for 3 seconds.
    (Firewall burns your enemies over time.)
    (Firewall burns your enemies over time.)

    Ultimate Skills

    You can only equip one of the powerful Ultimate Skills. They have no mana cost, but very long cooldowns.

    • Deep Freeze (Ice): Locks the sorceress in ice for 4 seconds. All nearby enemies are frozen, at the end of the ability the ice shell explodes and all frozen enemies take great damage.
    • Inferno (Fire): Summons a fiery inferno in the target area, dealing damage to all enemies for 8 seconds and exploding for extra damage at the end of the ability.
    • Unstable Currents (Lightning): Charges you with lightning energy for 10 seconds, which lets you cast a second random lightning spell for each spell cast.
      (The Sorceress'' Deep Freeze skill in use.)
      (The Sorceress” Deep Freeze skill in use.)

      Passive Skills

      • Elemenal Atunement: Reduces the cooldowns of Defensive Skills.
      • Glass Cannon: You deal more damage, but also take more damage.
      • Precision Magic: The chance of Lucky Hits is increased.
      • Align the Elements: Increases your damage reduction against elite enemies the longer you have not taken damage from them.
      • Conjuration Magic: Increases damage when a Conjuration skill is active.
      • Icy Veil: Extends the duration of all barriers.
      • Frostbite: More damage against frozen and vulnerable enemies.
      • Immolated Flesh: Burning enemies deal less damage.
      • Coursing Currents: Hits with lightning skills increase critical strike chance. Resets after a critical hit.

      Ultimative Passive Skills

      • Icefall (Ice): Ice skills have a 10% chance that the next Frozen Orb, Ice Shards or Blizzard will cost no mana and deal more damage.
      • Shatter (Ice): When frozen enemies thaw, they explode and deal 25% of the damage dealt to them while they were frozen.
      • Overflowing Energy (Lightning): Crackling Energy hits additional enemies. Each hit of the ability now reduces all other cooldowns of lightning spells.
      • Vyr”s Mastery (Lightning): Nearby enemies take more damage and deal less damage to you.
      • Warmth (Fire): Gain a 50% chance to have burning enemies increase your mana.
      • Esu”s Ferocity (Fire): Enemies with more than 50% health take more fire damage, enemies below 50% health take more direct damage.

      Possible Builds

      The sorceress uses three different elements to deal her damage. Since there are no synergies between ice, lightning and fire in the skill tree of the press beta, it makes sense to limit the build to one element.

      • Ice Sorceress: Do you value a strong defence? Then you should put your skill points into ice talents. Not only does she have strong defensive skills and can create barriers with Icy Armor – slowed and frozen enemies can also damage you much harder, of course.
      • Fire Sorceress: If you prefer to see your enemies burn and prefer damage over time, you can specialise in fire. Almost all skills like Fire Wall, Meteor and Inferno set your enemies on fire or inflict damage over several seconds. With the right items, this burn damage is guaranteed to increase even more.
      • Lightning Wizard: For full offensive power you should specialise in lightning spells, because even her defensive skill Teleport can still cause damage. While the Fire Sorceress only needs a few spells to set her enemies on fire and watch everything burn, with the Lightning Sorceress you have to cast your spells in continuous loop. Therefore, take the improved Lightning Spear with you, as it reduces your cooldowns.