Ubisoft announces new stream of Skull & Bones


Since Ubisoft has postponed the release of Skull & Bones for a sixth time, the mood of the fans is pretty much in the basement. A new stream is now supposed to smooth these waters a bit.

You don’t have anything planned for tonight at 6pm ? Then you can take part in a new stream of Skull & Bones. In a new edition of “The Deck”, Ubisoft would like to present new gameplay material and further insights into the lore. Those who want to take part in the stream can tune in via (Twitch

Furthermore, Ubisoft has commented on the (Social Media) postponement of Skull & Bones again in a statement. In good PR style, they do not explicitly apologise. Instead, they explain that they need more time to polish the game further. However, they promise to show new content soon and to announce the new release date. They also thanked the community for their understanding and support.

But as the comments under the Twitter post show, the community seems to be anything but understanding and supportive. Many are venting their anger and even showing how they are cancelling their pre-orders.

How Ubisoft can get out of this PR nightmare? Finally admit to a transparent explanation about the immense miscalculations and finally release Skull & Bones.