Hogwarts Legacy Alohomora: Find all 30 Demiguise statues here.


There are plenty of locked doors in Hogwarts Legacy. Find out where to learn the Alohomora Charm and how it works in this guide.

When exploring a castle in Hogwarts Legacy, you will often find yourself in front of a locked door. Already in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher”s Stone” Hermione clears the way with the practical Alohomora spell, but in the game you will only learn this spell once you have gained some experience.

How to get this spell and how the lock-picking mini-game works can be found in our guide. We also explain where you can find all the Demiguise statues to unlock the higher levels.

Locations of the Demiguise Statues

10 Demiguise statues at Hogwarts

  Area Where is the statue located?
1 Astronomy Wing On the dresser behind the desk in Professor Fig”s office.
2 Astronomy Wing Stairs next to potion classroom down to end of corridor (lock level 1), then into storeroom leading off left of picture corridor (lock level 2).
3 Astronomy Wing In the Muggle Studies classroom (In the dungeons, door is near the large dragon statue, Castle 1)
4 Library Annex In the classroom for fortune telling on Prof. Onai”s desk
5 Library Annex Room behind the two talking gargoyles (near Flea Flame Transformation Courtyard, Level 2 Castle)
6 Library Annex In the forbidden section of the library, 2nd basement, in front of the entrance to the very dusty room (openly accessible after main mission Secrets of the forbidden section)
7 Wing of the Bell Tower Locked room under stairs to battlements in castle wall east of Flea Flame north exit of Hogwarts (Level 1 castle)
8 Wing of the Bell Tower In the hut next to the classroom for the beastie lessons (castle level 2)
9 The Great Hall Locked room in the right rear area of the Great Hall (Level 1 lock)
10 South Wing Side room with stove in locked Gryffindor loo (closing level 1), accessible through middle toilet

9 Demiguise statues in Hogsmeade

  Area Where is the statue located?
1 Three Brooms In the private room on the top floor (castle level 1)
2 Tomes and scrolls On chest of drawers in side room ground floor
3 Derwish & Bangles On counter in salesroom (shares space with Besenknecht”s Sunday best)
4 Berhead On stack of boxes in storeroom behind counter
5 Dwelling Second house south of watermill with two hanging baskets in front of the door (lock level 1)
6 house House opposite “Schnabel & Brut” (castle level 1)
7 Residential Second house on left side of Eberkopf-Gasse towards Eberkopf on upper floor (castle level 2)
8 house house to the right of J. Pippins (castle level 2)
9 house house to the right of the back stairs of the Three Broomsticks (with empty market cart next to the door), on box on the 1st floor (lock level 1)

11 Demiguise statues in the highlands

  Area Where is the statue located?
1 Aranshire In the house next to Fleaflame Aranshire on the 1st floor in front of the bed (lock level 1)
2 Lower Hogsfield In the building with forge and chopping block at Flea Flame Lower Hogsfield
3 Brocburrow In the house north of the small draw well with potted plant and bench in front of the door (lock level 1)
4 Keenbridge In the house surrounded by large garden behind Fatimah Lawang”s stall (Castle Level 1)
5 Fieldcroft On window sill on ground floor of house east of draw well with round window over front door (lock level 2)
6 Irondale Behind the counter in the house right next to quest giver Althea Twiddle, north of Flea Flame Irondale
7 Marunweem Next to empty kettle behind counter in house southeast of notice board with kettle stack on door
8 Bainburgh Next to a padded chair in the building north of the notice board (Level 2 lock)
9 Cragcroft In the house behind Bella Navarro”s stall on the 1st floor on the bedside table
10 Upper Hogsfield Building at draw well with wagon wheel to right of door (Level 1 lock)
11 Pitt-upon-Ford Building near Flea Flame Pitt-Upon-Ford with carriage in garden, statue on 2nd floor

How to learn the Alohomora spell

Housemaster Gladwin Moon will meet you on your first trip to Hogsmeade, but he will not have a task for you until you have learned the Disillusionment Spell and successfully completed the first trial of Old Magic.

He summons you to the teacher”s tower in the middle of the night and wants you to remove the glowing moons of two Demiguise statues from the student”s bathroom and the hospital wing for the main task “The moon-possessed caretaker “  Before you can get to the two statues through a bit of sneaking and good timing, however, you must first pick the lock for the door to the guarded corresponding area.

(If you turn the two small wheels in the middle and the slightly larger wheels at the bottom right, the lock will open.)
(If you turn the two small wheels in the middle and the slightly larger wheels at the bottom right, the lock will open.)

Move the red gear wheel and with it the red marker back and forth with careful A and D taps until the small wheels inside the gear wheel start to turn. Then repeat this process with the green outer gear and the green marker and look at the two wheels at the bottom right of the screen. As soon as all four wheels turn permanently, the lock will open.

The procedure is similar with the controller: You move the left stick for the outer circle and the right stick for the inner circle. You have to keep the position of the sticks pressed outwards, otherwise the spark will fall back into the middle of the circle.

(To break into Professor Sharp''s flat, we have to pick a level 3 lock nasty!)
(To break into Professor Sharp”s flat, we have to pick a level 3 lock nasty!)

Worth knowing about the Alohomora spell

The Revelio spell causes magic-sealed locks around you to glow blue. If you have increased the range of the Revelio spell with a talent point, you can see several floors away. The targeted search for remaining locks becomes easier if you remove chests and other magical objects by opening them or solving puzzles.

By the way, the Alohomora mini-game does not become more difficult with level 2 and level 3 locks; you only have to master the respective Alohomora level to open these locks as usual. It”s worth learning at least level 1 of the Alohomora spell, as new Revelio pages, chests and other treasures can be found behind locked doors.

Learn Alohomora Level 2 and 3

Gladwin Moon is not willing to share his knowledge of higher level Alohomora spells until you bring him more Demiguise Moons from the appropriate statues. For the side quest “The Man Behind the Moons”, you must first collect nine Demiguise Moons, which you will find in Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and the immediate vicinity of the castle. You can already find the corresponding statues during the day, but you may only collect moons at night when they visibly glow blue.

You can use this to your advantage: As the statues are often not so easy to discover, you should preferably search at night, as their blue glow makes them much easier to see. If you want to fast-forward the time from day to night, use the F (keyboard) or R3 (controller) key in the map view.