Counter-Strike 2 is real: CS:GO”s successor officially revealed!


After many rumours, the terrorist cat is now out of the bag: Counter-Strike 2 is real! And there are already first videos.

In the last few weeks there have been heaps of rumours, now it”s official: Counter-Strike 2 is really coming. The strictly speaking … um … fourth Counter-Strike is also officially called Counter-Strike 2, but will primarily be a technical upgrade to the regular CS:GO. And don”t worry: all your achievements, skins and the like will be preserved and carried over into the new game for free.

Valve has now confirmed this via an official press release.And before we get the most important facts straight, here are a few short videos to get you in the mood:

And now for the important facts:

  • Counter-Strike 2 will be a technical upgrade from CS:GO to the Source Engine 2, confirming all the rumours of the last few days.
  • This upgrade will be free. You will transfer all your unlocks, skins etc. to the new game.
  • Not surprisingly, the most important new features include a completely revamped look with better tech, better graphics and so on.
  • There are new dynamic smoke grenades.
  • All maps will be reworked.
  • Movement and shooting now works independently of tick rate and should feel more responsive in detail accordingly.

And you know what”s especially cool? Counter-Strike 2 is already coming out in Summer 2023, so in just a few months. Meanwhile, the first player tests with a selected audience begin today. If you”re one of them, congratulations. If not: Neither are we.

What the improved maps look like in detail, what other upgrades there are – at the moment we don”t know any more than the trailers already reveal. But of course we”ll keep you up to date!

What do you say? Would you like to give Counter-Strike another chance? Or are you an active player anyway and happy as a lark? Do you have any stomach aches, hopes or wishes? Feel free to give us as much feedback as possible in the comments, we”d love to hear from you!