The Division Heartland: More info on the shooter revealed


Over the weekend, Ubisoft released more information about The Division Heartland. So fans were not only presented a deep dive into the gameplay. The uploaded intro also introduces the story of The Division Heartland.

Until last weekend, Ubisoft was more than cagey with details about The Division Heartland. But in the last few days, the publisher released a lot of new info. For example, we know more about the story of the free-to-play shooter.
You take on the role of an agent who listens to the command of Mackenzie Reed . This is in search of her former commander Kilian Tower, who one day murdered her entire team and has been a rogue agent on the run ever since.

His trail leads your team to the tranquil town of Silver Creek, which, however, has other problems to deal with. There a mutation of the so-called dollar flu has spread, which has contributed to the death of numerous residents. In this place, of all places, Tower is said to have gathered a group of other agents. Add to this an aggressive band of nomadic survivors, and also the virus itself, which moves erratically through the city.

The gameplay of The Division Heartland is composed of survival and extraction components in a day-night alternation. Everything starts and ends at your base of operations, located above an abandoned taxiway. This is where you prepare your missions and upgrade your weapons. During the day, you”ll start your explorations and collect valuable equipment and supplies.

At night, however, the tide turns and your enemies crawl out of their holes. But it”s not just them. The virus also moves through the city, which is why you also need to take a look at the filter reserves  If you dare to take the risk and stay in the virus cloud, you can grab some particularly valuable loot. However, once your reserves are depleted, you are infected and must head to the base immediately before the virus kills you. But it”s not just virus protection that needs attention. Hydration represents an important point, so you also need to keep an eye on your hydration.

Thanks to crossplay and crossprogression, The Division Heartland can be played across platforms. Hopefully you”ll be able to check it out soon, as (registration for beta) is still open. Since there should be more news at the Ubisoft Forward on June12 , it is reasonable to assume that the beta could start shortly after.