LoL strike is coming! Are bronze players now opening the LCS?


After LCS pros agreed to a strike in a vote to launch the American LoL League, Riot Games has lifted rank requirements for LCS players.

As part of the controversy surrounding the LCS organisations junior teams, the professional players collectively agreed to a strike at the start of the Summer Split. Now, Riot Games has removed any Ranked requirements for LCS players.

LCS players agree to strike

On 12 May, at the request of LCS organisations, Riot decided that American teams would no longer be required to field a junior team. This decision unleashed a wave of criticism and calls for boycotts in the League of Legends scene.

After 7 out of 10 LCS teams dropped their junior teams immediately after the announcement, the LCS Players Association (LCSPA) called for a strike by the pros to express the community”s displeasure.

This potential strike was voted on Sunday, May 28.

According to LCSPA, the players have agreed not to compete on the first matchday of the LCS Summer Split and, despite putting their careers at risk, have agreed to a “walk out “ . In doing so, the players are expected to leave the stage without words and refuse to compete.

However, since the American LCS organizations are obligated to Riot Games to participate in the LCS, they must find new players for their line-ups as soon as possible.

In order to accommodate the organizations, Riot Games has now removed any rank requirements for LCS players.

Furthermore, it is now probably allowed to participate in the games from home instead of having to be on site, in Los Angeles.

According to the (LCS Rules and Penalty Index) LCS players previously “had to have had a peak of Diamond 1 or higher in the solo queue within the last year”.

With the removal of this rule, it is now possible for organisations to field players of any rank for their teams. So, purely theoretically, even iron or bronze players could compete for the professional organisations.

Some fans are now joking about applying and then deliberately “inting” (deliberately losing or playing badly).

“For the benefit of all League players in North America “

The LCSPA urges that any attempts by Riot to field so-called “scab teams” be stopped.

A cooperation with Riot Games could hurt the actual LCS pros as well as endanger the entire American Esports scene, according to the players” association.

Some teams in the CLOL (America”s varsity league for League of Legends) have already shown solidarity with the LCS players and rejected a potential stint as a replacement.

The decision by the varsity teams is being extremely well received on Twitter, as the players are actively foregoing an opportunity in the American professional league with their cancellations.

The LCS Summer Split officially starts on 1 June at 23:00 (German time) and can be followed live on (Twitch) . Whether the LCS will manage to find replacement players in time for the first match 50 remains to be seen.

So far, there is no information from the LCS teams on the ongoing scouting or possible players.

Neither has there been any statement from Riot Games on the ongoing LCSPA demands.