Far Cry shaped shooter genre 19 years ago, is now suddenly back in focus due to leak


Almost two decades after its release, the first part of the Far Cry series is currently causing a stir on the net. The source code of the shooter has surfaced in the Internet Archive – and no one knows where it came from.

And that’s exactly what everyone is talking about again, almost 20 years after its release. The reason for this, however, is not an announced remake, but an entry that Twitter users recently discovered in the Internet Archive (Archive.org

According to the Twitter user (Vinicius Medeiros) the file with the name “Far Cry 1.34 Complete” is obviously the source code of the first Far Cry part!

Origin of code unknown

The code suddenly appeared in the archive “as if from nowhere”, writes the Finder. Who uploaded the data is unknown The uploader with the cryptic name Llaetha.ro has left no clues about his identity and has not published any other files. However, some fans speculated that the files might have been circulated via a Crytek employee

According to Finder Medeiros, the uploaded version is the game version 1.34. However, the code is not quite complete and still contains some errors. It is therefore probably not the release version of the shooter.

Fans hope for Remaster-Mod

Normally, such leaks are a big problem for publishers, because they very often represent an immense damage for the rights holders . Via the source code, unauthorised persons can completely change or even copy the game.

In this case, however, fans have high hopes for the leak. With access to the source code, it is now possible to work directly on the Far Cry engine and polish the admittedly outdated game graphically and gameplay-wise.

Ubisoft on the move

Ubisoft has not yet commented on the leak. However, the discussion on Twitter clearly shows that many users would like the publisher to give the green light to an extensive reworking of the classic by modders

At the moment, Ubisoft has two new Far Cry titles in the works. One of them is a single-player shooter – so very likely Far Cry 7. The other spin-off is said to be a multiplayer game. Release dates for the two titles have not yet been communicated.

What do you think of the leak? Would you like to see a fan remaster of the first Far Cry? Feel free to write us an opinion about it in the comments.