Legendary shooter developer now making games inside Fortnite


New games in Fortnite? Some industry veterans are now working on just that at a new studio. But game development in Epic’s Battle Royale could also be a huge opportunity for indie developers.

You can like Fortnite or you can leave it alone. But regardless of how you feel about Fortnite, this news should be interesting for all game fans. Because now, Epic’s well-known Battle Royale is no longer just about dancing and shooting, entire games are also being developed.

This is made possible by the Unreal Engine for Fortnite (UEFN), a special construction kit for the Unreal Engine with which developers can easily create their own maps and game modes and implement them in Fortnite. The whole thing has been available since March.

New studio develops only in Fortnite

And now there is a new development studio that specialises in just that: Look North World The team is led by Alex Seropian, one of the founders of the legendary Halo studio Bungie.
Together with him, former developers from EA and Kongregate Games are working on Look North World. In keeping with the founding of the new studio, the team has also announced their first game, the Wild West shooter Outlaw Corral.

What can we expect?

In Outlaw Corral you fight cowboy duels over several rounds 1 against 1. The whole thing works according to the K.o.-System – just like at the World Cup First quarter-finals, semi-finals and then finals. Only one can win in the end. You can see the first trailer here:

Why develop games in Fortnite?

Publishing games within Fortnite offers numerous advantages for developers: Fortnite has a massive audience. A new game is seen by many people right away. Indie developers in particular have a chance to get their name out there.

Epic constantly gets fresh content for Fortnite, the developers get a popular platform. Also, since Fortnite provides the server infrastructure, small developers don’t have to worry about that too and can save money. Epic has even thought of a payment model for developers who offer their games in Fortnite.

The developers of Look North World are also taken with the possibilities of in-game development. They say, “Developing with the UEFN opens up a whole new world of possibilities, and we are in uncharted territory. Through experimentation, we will find out what players like and involve them in decisions. “

Seems like there is a lot of creative potential here.

What do you think? Do you think game development within Fortnite is an exciting approach or do you think it will put a lot of people off? Let us know in the comments.