You can now test the exceptional strategy game Jagged Alliance 3 for free on Steam.


Have you got a taste for thrilling turn-based strategy of the highest order? Then rejoice, from now on you can try out a demo of Jagged Alliance 3.

Demos are a good thing, after all they offer a welcome opportunity to try out new games before potentially buying them. As of now, the tactical turn-based strategy game Jagged Alliance 3 can also be downloaded from Steam in a free trial version.

Before we go into detail, here is the link to the demo for those who want to start playing right away:

(Jagged Alliance 3 Demo on Steam)

Where can I find the demo? Often, trial versions are displayed on the product page of the game as a green, hard-to-miss button below the regular buy button. In the case of Jagged Alliance 3, the demo is somewhat better hidden: On the right below the Is this game relevant to you? box you will find the button.

A tactical hit with lots of drama

Jagged Alliance 3 combines several genres, with the emphasis clearly on tactics and strategy. But even a few role-playing game elements can be found in the gameplay. And there’s always drama in the round battles, because thanks to friendly fire, ricochets and other finesses, you’ll have to concentrate hard.

How big is the demo? We can’t give you an exact playing time, because in tactical games this depends on your approach even more than in other genres. However, you can explore the entire starting region of the game, Ernie Island, in the demo.

Have you developed an appetite for Jagged Alliance 3 and will therefore try out the demo? Or do you already own the game? If so, how do you like it? Which aspects do you enjoy the most, and which are a bit annoying? Would you like to see more demos of newly released games? Feel free to write us your opinions in the comments!