Just before Counter-Strike 2, CS:GO gets a touching send-off – and a whole room goes silent


Heroes have to be given a proper send-off – the organizers of the IEM in Cologne probably see it the same way and dedicate a farewell video to CS:GO

At the last major eSports event for Counter Strike: Global Offensive, the IEM 2023 in Cologne, the tactical first-person shooter was heroically bid farewell with a short video. The presentation and especially the reactions of the audience are more than touching.

A whole room full of emotions

According to current statements, Counter Strike 2 is supposed to be released this summer, although it is not really a new game. More information about it you can find out from us, of course. This also means that we have to say goodbye to the original CS:GO in the near future. This is just as true for eSports around the tactical shooter

At the Intel Extreme Masters (IEM) 2023 in Cologne, the game was honored as a farewell by playing a video that was just under two minutes long. But best check it out for yourself:

Backed by an epic music, the video shows game scenes and locations from CS:GO. It should stir emotions in anyone who has a connection with the game in some way.

This is also evident in the audience, which is as if of one piece alternately quiet as mice and then thunderously loud again The emotions on site are so powerful that they are transported even through the screen, into the living room at home.

With all the appreciation towards the game, of course, we do not want to forget who won the IEM in Cologne. The winner was the German team G2 Esports, led by Jan Swani Müller. The second place was secured by the Finnish team ENCE.

What do you think of the farewell video? Do you play Counter Strike: Global Offensive? Are you looking forward to the second part? Have you ever been to a live eSports event or maybe even taken part in one? We are very interested in your opinion, so feel free to write it in the comments!