One Piece on Netflix: season 2 is waiting in the wings, but there are still two major obstacles


Is the Netflix series One Piece getting a second season? And if so, when might it be released? Now there’s an exciting update on a possible sequel.

With over 1,000 chapters in the manga template, One Piece isn’t running out of material anytime soon. And of course, the first season of the Netflix series is unmistakably preparing for a season 2. But will One Piece really continue? Now there is a promising update, but fans should still not rejoice too soon!

What is now revealed about season 2 of One Piece

The script is already written: In an interview with (Variety) the CEO of Tomorrow Studio, which is responsible for producing One Piece, reveals that the script for a second season of the Netflix series has already been written.

When could season 2 be released with it? President Becky Clements even goes into a potential release date in the same breath and dares to make a prediction: As soon as production can really get going after the ongoing Hollywood strike is settled, season 2 could launch on Netflix in a period of between one year and 18 months.

There are still two big But: However, One Piece still has two major obstacles to overcome for the live-action adaptation to actually continue.

  • Netflix has not yet officially renewed One Piece. And even if the series is a great success for the streaming service (which those responsible behind it also openly communicate – via (Deadline), this does not automatically confirm a renewal. A major sticking point could be the question of costs, for example: At 18 million US dollars per episode, One Piece is already incredibly expensive – as the story of the original takes on ever greater proportions, this is likely to even increase in the future.
  • The Hollywood strike is shutting everything down right now: As already mentioned, the strike by actors and screenwriters in Hollywood continues, in the course of which they are campaigning for better wages and working conditions. This has already had a massive impact on the production and release of new films and series – blockbusters such as Star Wars, Marvel, Avatar or Dune 2 are sometimes significantly delayed because of this.

So you see: Even though there is promising news about a possible second season of One Piece, nothing is in the bag yet. Fans should keep their fingers crossed that the live-action series based on Eiichiro Oda’s popular manga and anime will indeed be renewed.

What do you think of the Netflix series One Piece: Do you like the live-action adaptation of the popular manga and anime? Or can you do nothing with it? Would you be happy about a second season and if so, what are your hopes and expectations for it? Let us know in the comments – we’re looking forward to hearing what you think!