Major changes for League of Legends


After the season is before the season! With the end of Worlds 2023, League of Legends fans can look forward to the upcoming pre-season, which should bring a lot of change to the Rift

League of Legends creator Riot Games has once again announced that there will be numerous changes to League of Legends and the playing area, the Rift, in the coming year.

These are all about equal opportunities, as the developers want to bring both the blue and red sides closer together. Various spots on the map will be adapted. Among other things, the bot lane on the red side will now also have direct access to the lane from its own jungle, while in the middle less mobile champions will be helped out with a changed bush position towards the river.

But it’s not just the environment that has been turned inside out in places, the inhabitants of the jungle have also been given an overhaul. The Baron in particular will take center stage. He will appear in three different versions next year, each with their own attack patterns and altered environments. In addition, the appearance of Baron Nashor will change the entire jungle in that both Red and Blue Buffs will be corrupted by the Void

Buffs for all

From minute 20 onwards, both camps grant a temporary buff to the entire team if they are killed by a player – however, the strength of the buff is lower than before minute 20. Aside from this, the Rift Herald will be reduced in number to one, with smaller minions being used in the Baron Pit instead, which grant permanent buffs in the form of damage-over-time to the various buildings within the Rift after successful combat. Those who have successfully fought the Herald can also use it as a vehicle and use the mouse to crash into the enemy buildings themselves

There will also be changes to the dragons, with a particular focus on the Infernal Drake. When attacked, the dragon distributes so-called cinders, which players can pick up for a temporary buff.

It remains to be seen when exactly these changes will appear. First of all, they will be used on the PBE, i.e. the test server, quite soon.

There will also be changes to the dragons, with a particular focus on the Infernal Drake. When attacked, the dragon distributes so-called cinders, which players can pick up for a temporary buff.

It remains to be seen when exactly these changes will appear. First of all, they will be used on the PBE, i.e. the test server, quite soon