(Then I freak out) – Hunt: Showdown announces new season, fans go wild


In the first trailer for Desolation’s Wake, a train drives across the map – which immediately triggers wild theories in the community

The new teaser for Hunt: Showdown doesn’t show much concrete information in its 50 seconds, but it does fire up the rumor mill: the new season will apparently be called Desolation’s Wake and the focus is on a train. But see for yourself first:

“I’m freaking out “

The train in the video has loaded lots of ammunition and equipment and carries a new Hunter into the game, who then meets Sherriff Hardin.

In the Hunt community, rumors and theories about what this all means are running rampant. Here are a few quotes from the comments section:

If the train is a new way to extract or the train can move across the map, then I’m completely freaking out.

clementparayre2088, YouTube

I’m sure the train is our way to a new map, it’s going to be amazing.

nocteler3539, YouTube

Ammunition and weapon crates in one go? New game mode?

Delta, X/Twitter

Is this finally the engine update we’ve all been waiting for?

Cheese Questioner, X/Twitter

Hunt plans big things for 2024

In the end, however, all of this remains speculation and it remains unclear exactly what Crytek is hinting at with the video. But one thing is certain: A new Hunt map is in the works for 2024, which is as elaborate as “a dozen maps for another game.”

In addition, the developers announced in the Hunt roadmap for 2024 that an engine update to CryEngine version 5.11 will be carried out. The new map should then demonstrate the strengths of this new engine – so both innovations go Hunt in H… uh, hand in hand

New weapon confirmed

One very tangible thing has already been revealed for Desolation’s Wake: One of the new weapons! Here it is:

The Mako 1895 Carbine will be the latest rifle in the dark fantasy shooter’s arsenal and represents the first lever-action rifle for large-caliber ammunition (i.e. “long ammo”).

Crytek confirms that levering (i.e. levering the weapon for rapid fire sequences) is supported.

A release date for the weapon or the next update is still missing. The last event called Tide of Desolation ended on February 14th