Steam: The co-op game Chained Together is celebrated by users even though it destroyed their friendships


Want to put your friendship to the test? Then this co-op spectacle could be ideal for you. We explain what it’s all about

You and your friends are inseparable? Nothing can stop you when you pull together? Would you like to spend time with yourbest buddyaround the clock?

Chained Together will almost certainly prove you wrong. Because the new co-op game on Steam takes inseparableliterally andchains you and your fellow players together What becomes a problem the next time you go to the toilet at the latest is an even bigger fiasco, as in this state youmust escape from the depths of hell together

You can tell: That sounds like chaotic fun and lots of screaming in front of your home screen. We’ll explain the gameplay of Chained Together in more detail

(Chained Together on Steam)

A chain of unfortunate circumstances

As if it wasn’t bad enough to end up in hell and have to find a way to escape from this dark place. No, in Chained Together we also have to dragup to three other playersthrough the dangerousenvironments full of deadly trapsbecause only together can we reach the goal. Because only together can we reach our goal and climb as high as possible

Really every jump in the game requires perfect timing and maximum precision from you as a group So you have to coordinate and pull together, otherwise you will quickly be wiped out by falling into the depths, being crushed by containers or even worse

You and your (still) friends can choose between three difficulty levels:

  • Beginner: After a fall into the depths, you have the option of teleporting to the highest point you have reached so far to try again.
  • Normal: If you fall, you have to start all over again (or find new friends).
  • Lava: Ideal for your company’s next team-building event. In addition to the challenging bouncing, you have to make sure that the constantly rising lava doesn’t catch up with you.

92 percent positive: What do users say?

Many Steam user reviews are as funny as the gameplay.Of the currently more than 300 reviews, a whopping 92 percent are positive.Let’s study some of them together.

Majskolvnrecommends the game and writes:Until an hour ago we were all cool with each other… now you don’t want to hear another word for the next few weeks

Aakaliblows the same horn A thumbs up is underpinned by the following words:I had three friends before this game. After five minutes I have none left, I absolutely recommend it!

Constructive suggestions for improvement are made by userNeoangin, noting:Nice game … But please, dear developers, give us the opportunity to smack our teammates after we’ve fallen on the floor.

At the end, our hearts are warmed.Because instead of just ruining friendships, the game can also create someBrokenHandBartreports:

Don’t buy this game, they said.

It will ruin your friendship, they said.

I was playing the game with a guy I was trying to mess up with.

Now I can’t even go shopping without holding his hand…

If you’re curious to see how well you and your friends work together as a team, we have some important information for you: Chained Together really isn’t expensive. Until June 26, 2024, you can get the game for only 4.49 euros – and even after the offer period you only have to pay five euros.