Unbelievable! Streamer defeats Shadow of the Erdtree boss without using her hands


Having trouble cracking the bosses in Shadow of the Erdtree with just a controller? Take a look at what this streamer does

You think you’ve seen every crazy Elden Ring challenge? Hold my beer for a second! British streamer Perrikaryal has done the unbelievable and defeated the first boss in Shadow of the Erdtree without her hands.

Think you’ve seen every crazy Elden Ring challenge? Hold my beer for a second! British streamer Perrikaryal has done the unbelievable and defeated the first boss in Shadow of the Erdtree without her hands.

Power of Thought

Even before the release of Shadow of the Erdtree, the Elden Ring community was always finding creative ways to increase the difficulty of the already extremely challenging bosses even further

Players outdo each other with a wide variety of challenges that become increasingly curious and impossible. Pacifism runs, where players were not allowed to cause any damage to enemies, or playing through Elden Ring to level 1 in just two hours, the sky was the limit.

Now the streamerPerrikaryalhas successfully completed a completely new challenge and defeated the first boss of the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree without her hands. Using an EEG (electroencephalography) device, she was able to take down the Divine Beast Dancing Lion using only her thoughts.

Long way

It was a long journey and not the British streamer’s first attempt to take down bosses in Elden Ring using only the power of her mind; she conducted her first experiments back in 2023.

On her YouTube channel, she explains how the self-developed technique works and how she has adapted it over time. Now both she and the software had apparently been improved and trained to such an extent that the first successful boss fight in Shadow of the Erdtree was finally achieved.

As Perrikaryal explains in her video, each command from the virtual controller was linked to an action in her brain. For example, when her character in Elden Ring is supposed to attack, she imagines an object coming towards her. If she wants her character to dodge, on the other hand, she lifts something in her mind

  • Something is coming towards me: Attack
  • I lift something: Dodge
  • Something is sinking in the water: Use item
  • Tilt your head: Move character

A similar experiment was carried out by the US company Neuralink, in which a partially paralyzed man was able to play chess and even Civilization VI with his thoughts. Unlike Perrikaryal, however, a brain implant was used here and not an EEG device.