WoW Classic: Season of Discoveries – Phase 4 now live


Blizzard Entertainment has released the highly anticipated Phase 4 of Season of DiscoveryWoW Classic

Since Friday, the community can reach the final level 60 and face new challenges

New features of phase 4

In Phase 4, players can advance from level 50 to the new maximum level of 60. The “Delight of the Explorer” buff has been adjusted:

  • Level 1-50: 150% experience
  • Level 50-60: 50% experience

New rune slots for cloaks and rings have also been introduced in WoW Classic. In addition, there are class-independent support runes that offer bonuses to various stats such as weapon skill and spell hit. Many classes are receiving changes, including the integration of selected runes as basic abilities and the availability of new runes.

The professions and reputation factions have also been reworked in WoW Classic. New and improved profession recipes are now available for the Argent Dawn, Thorium Brotherhood, Hydraxian, and Timber Maw Fortresses. Nightmare Incursions now serve as hubs for daily quests, while Stranglethorn Vale and Bloodmoon offer new rewards and currencies.

New dungeons and raids

At level 60, the WoW Classic community can look forward to new dungeons:

  • Blackrock Depths (2nd half)
  • Blackrock Spire
  • Düsterbruch (3 wings)
  • Scholomance
  • Stratholme

From July 25 at 22:00the raid “Molten Core” will be available as a 20-player dungeon with 10 classic bosses, updated loot and revised level 1 sets. A variable difficulty mechanic provides additional challenges. Onyxia’s Lair will also be open, offering an exciting adventure against the infamous black dragon.

New world bosses will appearin Phase 4. Starting July 18 at 10:00 p.m.players can access Azuregos and Lord Kazzak via instance portals. These world bosses are designed for up to 40 players, but are tuned for 20-player encounters. Onyxia will also be adapted so that groups of up to 40 players can face her

More information and detailed updates on the Season of Discoveries: Phase 4can be found on the officialWorld of Warcraftwebsite